Traders are invited to apply for trade AT Dricānu parish festivals


Business News

On August 3, 2019, the parish festival “when the bees of bees San....” will be held. Organisers, from at 12.00, offers a wide range of programmes for all stakeholders.
In the area at Dricānu, the cultural house will operate a children's crack, where children will be offered a variety of creative workshops, bubbles, laser tags, etc. Sports fans will be organized by an orientation race of Dricānu villages, volleyball matches, scoreboard tests and other activities.
From at 12.00 Dricānu in the foyer of the Cultural House will see the exhibition “from the old puncture” of the dricāniešu works and business.
The events of the event will be respected by the Spaniards Spider bouquet from at 14.30 Dricānu in the grove.
At 15.15 .00 in the area, the market crack of the cultural house - the market for domestic producers and artisans “Lobs lobby”. They are invited to participate in craftsmen, domestic producers, industrial art studios, eko and Bio production producers and traders, catering service providers, free-to-air entertainment service providers for adults and children. Traders with industrial goods are also invited.
Applications for trade are expected by 31 July 2019 at the submission of a completed submission available on the website of the municipality of, or sent electronically at the email address of the person:
A natural person who has not registered his or her economic activity shall submit a certificate available in the home page of the municipality of Rezekne or sent electronically at the e-mail address of the person: dricani @ A completed submission shall be submitted electronically by sending to e-mail or dricani @ also in person AT THE premises of Dricānu parish administration “Last House”, Dricāni, Dricānu parish, Rezekne nov., acceptance time every working day at noon 8:00-16:30
The market is organised BY Dricānu parish administration in collaboration with the foundation for the development of the rural economy in Rezekne municipality (LEARN).
At the big hall of the cultural house at 18.00 will all be expected to go to a great concert in the middle of the sun, where a large family of self-employed workers will appear.
Festive sound at noon 22.00 green-ball Dricānu groves in the erection, the musician's honour will be the attractive knowledge Krakops (free).
On a meeting in festivals!
Organizers -1 TP7T parish administration and Dricānu cultural association “aushi”
The event will be filmed and photographed.
Genoveff Jonathan,
Dricānu CN Manager
Trade submission
Attestation of economic _ activities _ non-execution

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