Businessmen are invited to apply for “MEDIA”
On 22-23 February, we invite local entrepreneurs to participate in the two-day seminar “MEDIAtkre” organised by the municipality of Rezekne. The seminar is designed as a two-day training on product placement in the Internet, focusing on improving your existing accounts, taking photos and videos, making descriptions, transferring your business story to customers, placing publications on social networks. The Rēzekne municipality is invited by entrepreneurs to apply until February 7, the number of places is limited.
In the programme programme:
- Developing a personal brand in social networks
- Instagram content trends and how to stand out on another background
- How to use Facebook in 2023
- Tictok manual that will lead to the result
Within two days, the activities of the three most popular social media platforms – Instagram, Facebook and TikTok will be considered. First day of the seminar – theoretical. On the activities of the social platforms of the two days, social media manager Elina Duarte (Instagram: @thedoublesocial). Among the participants of the seminar, the participants will have to carry out a small homework, as well as a second seminar day will be created as a practice session, a discussion of homework and social accounts of entrepreneurs. There will be a chance to receive a brief consultation.
Progress of the event: February 22 – 23, pl. 10.00-15.00 (time will be specified), Rēzekne county Griškānu parish Litavnieki, guest house “green island”.
Login to event in:
Login until February 7. A limited number of places will be preferred to those who want to improve existing company accounts.
Rēzekne municipality business development specialists:
Evita Igaune:, Tel: 25748078
Liana speaker:, Tel: 25740422