A new priority group is opened for vaccination: population with chronic diseases

Continuing vaccination against Covid-19, this week, the next priority group will be opened with the order of the Ministry of Health: residents with chronic diseases. This means that both family doctors and medical treatment institutions will gradually be able to vaccinate populations with chronic disease in view of the amount of vaccines available. 

A new group is open, taking into account the previous vaccination volumes of several existing priority groups – more than 32 000 vaccines received by healthcare workers, of which over 18 000 have also received a second dose, 38 000 vaccines received seniori, the first vaccine received more than 67% long-term social care centres and employees. 

At this manavakcina.lv, more than 23 000 people have logged on and via a free phone 8989, who have indicated their belonging to a population of chronic diseases. In general, more than 166 000 inhabitants with different chronic diseases have been identified in the programming document of priority groups, consequently, the Ministry of Health calls on all residents of Latvia who have chronic diseases not to postpone the application for vaccination against Covid-19 and to register now. on manavakcina.lv, by phone 8989 or by a family doctor. Those who have applied for manavakcina.lv or telephone 8989 and had not indicated their affiliation to this chronic disease group are invited to review their application and check their compliance with the chronic morbidity group. 

The compliance of the population with the chronic morbidity group will be determined in two ways:

  1. If the application for vaccination has been manavakcina.lv on a website or telephone 8989, the data will be compared with information in the single health sector electronic information system, against available chronic disease registers and reimbursable medicinal products;
  2. If the application for vaccination has taken place in a family doctor, the family doctor will be guided by THE RECOMMENDATIONS of THE SPCC vaccination of chronic sick patients 

The Ministry of Health, when prioritising the groups of the population to be vaccinated, has been guided by medical and epidemiological indications, calling for more rapid vaccination of the population in which Covid-19 infection is associated with severe health disorders such as seniori, persons with chronic diseases, persons undergoing serious medical manipulation. 

Patients suffering from malignant tumours, chronic respiratory diseases, chronic cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, chronic nervous system disease, diabetes mellitus, immunosuppression, obesity and severe psychiatric diseases should be vaccinated with the opening of the new group. 

Given that an active senior over 70 years of vaccination is continuing and given the amount of vaccines available, at the beginning of this week, approximately 8 000 inhabitants with chronic diseases will receive text messages and e-mails with information on further action to receive the vaccine. Whereas the relevance of these populations will be tested against the patient register of diabetes mellitus, the oncological patient register, the register of multiple sclerosis patients, THE HIV-patient register, the hepatitis C-hepatitis patient register, at the beginning of the week for the speaking population No shipments will be required. 

Continuing to invite residents to vaccinate, residents No vaccination against Covid-19 will be requiredif:

  1. information regarding the existence of manavakcina.lv in the single health sector electronic information system regarding the person who has logged in or by phone 8989;
  2. information on the existence of manavakcina.lv/8989, in the single health sector electronic information system on the prescription of reimbursable medicinal products during the last calendar year;
  3. the person is vaccinated in the practice of the family doctor;
  4. a person is treated in a hospital, the treating physician in co-operation with the patient may decide on vaccination against Covid-19, sending the patient to vaccination during treatment in accordance with internal procedures in the relevant hospital medical treatment institution. 

In other cases, the chronic patient Covid -19 vaccination requires a referral. They will be informed in a text or e-mail. If the doctor does not have any medical evidence showing the existence of a chronic disease, the patient may be asked to provide advice or extracts from other physicians justifying the existence of chronic disease for the service of the consignment.



Office of the vakcinācijas Project of the Ministry of Health

Agnes strazda, agnese.strazda@vm.gov.lv, 29149306

Ieva's corner, ieva.sture@vm.gov.lv, 29450530


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