Annual prizes of Latgale region businessmen presented on public holidays


Business News

During the fourth year's national festival events, the Council of Development of Latgale Planning Region honoured the winners of Latgale region entrepreneurs' annual prize, giving awards in five nominations – the largest taxpayer, the largest employer, the socially responsible company, the year farmer and the year's new merchant.
“This prize is an opportunity to thank entrepreneurs who not only provide jobs for the people of the region and pay taxes fairly, but also find the opportunity to support and participate in the development of their municipalities,” says President of the Council for Development of Latgale Planning Region, Gunārs Upenieks, head of the municipality of Kraslava.

  • In the nomination, the “largest taxpayer” award is awarded this year “Latvian baker” from Daugavpils.
  • In nomination, the “largest employer” award is given to RSEZ SIA “Verems” of Rezekne.
  • In the nomination “socially responsible company”, the award was awarded TO SIA “IV plus” from Kraslava.
  • In the nomination “annual farmer”, the award is awarded TO SIA “Dubiki” from Daugavpils municipality;
  • In the nomination “New Merchant 2017”, the award was awarded by SIA “H & H” from Daugavpils municipality.

The Latgale Planning Region Latgale Business Centre (LUC) opened the competition in October of that year. It aims to identify and honor the entrepreneurs of Latgale planning region, who are active and honest in their sector, contribute to the development of the business environment in Latgale region, promote the visibility of Latgale entrepreneurs, promote examples of good business practices. Candidates, organisations, company collectors, merchants, associations, institutions and municipalities could apply for awards.
21 Latgale companies, including both commercial companies and farm farms, were invited to tender this year. Some of the applicants were submitted in several nominations at the same time. A large proportion of the tender applications were submitted by the municipalities of the region. Most nominations were nominated in nominations “socially responsible company”, “annual farmer”.
The awards for Latgale region companies were presented in the celebrations of the 99 th anniversary of the Republic of Latvia on 17 and 18 November 2017 in Daugavpils, Daugavpils District, Preilos and Rēzekne District IN the parish OF Bērzgales.
For more information on awards, see the Internet website of Latgale Planning Region:

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