National Land Service organizes the region day

The National Land Service (NZD) Latgale Regional Division organizes annual event “Region Day 2016”, which will be held on Wednesday 9 March 2016. 11:00, Rēzekne, liberation alley 95A, Rēzekne municipality council in the big hall.
Since the meeting OF THE VZD and the co-operation partners last spring, there has been an intense and saturated work. We call for a joint look at the work done and discuss the future.
On the day of the Regions, we will be informed of a number of topical issues: 

  • By noting the cadastre anniversary, in the presentation “cadastram in Latvia 335”, we will see how the cadastre in the territory of Latvia has changed when the history events change and the needs of the country and society evolve;
  • In the presentation of developments in THE fields of activity OF THE SFD, we will be informed regarding the results of the implementation of the integrated procedures of cadastre and Land Register in the area of the regions and the improvement of the procedures for subsequent work, regarding the expected changes in the cadastre data registration and the classification of structures, regarding the planned changes in cadastral evaluation in 2017, the procedures for the sorting of addresses, the progress of the land reform and other issues;
  • THE VZD data publishing portal was supplemented last year by a series of new options aimed at the modern availability of information and services in e-environment. The presentation will explain how the new possibilities of turning the benefits into benefits not only to citizens but also to municipalities, such as the use of thematic maps and other geospatial data in day-to-day work processes.
  • In a number of presentations, we will explain what changes have been made to the legislative acts that will affect our work already this year and which are going to be prepared for the next year. Among these are the new address rules, changes in land-use regulation and implementation of land management law.
  • Local government building and industry specialists will be informed about local government road and street registration nuances in cadastre and explain how data exchange within the framework of the construction information system (BIS) is being carried out today and how it will evolve in the next future.
  • Consultations on issues of interest to the present will be provided by THE VZD specialists.

Irina Line,
Head of Latgale Regional Division

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