Public swimming areas

Lake Pušas, Pušas parish

In Swimming place is a ponton boardwalk, a waist, a dressing-room, a table, a step, a sunshine, a beach volleyball area

Parka iela 3, Puša, Pušas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Lake Feimaņu, Feimaņu parish

In the active beach of the Lake Feimaņu, a well-equipped area with sand and grassland cover. A large roof with picnic tables, and

Pludmale, Feimaņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Lake Feimaņu, Feimaņu parish

The “calm beach” of Lake Feimaņu. A well-equipped area with sand and grassland. Fox with table and bench, ponto

Mierīgā pludmale, Pludmale, Feimaņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Zosnas Lake, Lūznavas parish

In swimming place is a dressing-room, a table with chairs. Driveway, biotoilet.

Plašumi, Zosna, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Vertukšne Lake, Lūznavas parish

On the beach there is a wooden deck, a dressing room, a table, and a chairs. Is the driveway, biotoilet.

Mostovaja, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Černostes Lake, Malta parish

Two shelters with rest benches, two tables with benches, three changing rooms, a volleyball area, a fire site

Černostes ciems, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Gailumu Lake, Ilzeskalna parish

The swimming area has a boardwalk, a gazebo with two benches and a table, a changing room, a volleyball court, a fire place, a place for a tent

Lake Ilzeskalna pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Lake Radopole, Viļāni parish

A well-equipped area with sand and grassland. Built-in dressing rooms, backrest, picnic tables with benches, v

Ezera iela, Radopole, Viļānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Lake Radopole, Viļāni parish

Located on the road Viļāni - Preiļi P58. A well-equipped area with sand and grassland. Installed dressing rooms, s

Radopoles ezers, Radopole, Viļānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

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