The people of the Vilnius Alliance are invited to organize their mailboxes

In Vilnius city and villages at private houses, outside courtyards and street crossings as inheritance from the middle of the last century, common mailbox points have remained, the visual appearance of which is environmentally degrading and no longer satisfies the requirements of the urban environment.

In addition, a number of citizens' complaints were received in the management of the Vilnius Alliance that these mailbox points are mostly in a very poor state - the mailboxes are rusty, the basics of them, the colour sloped, and the “metering” of the press or advertising expenditures at the mailboxes, as their poor condition prevents the postman from placing the consignment properly. These mail boxes are adversely affected BY VAS “Latvijas mail”, as well as the image of Vilnius city and surrounding areas. 

The Vilnius Association Board had sent a letter TO VAS “Latvijas mail” with a request to address this problem. However, the Board received a reply with the explanation that, in accordance with the postal law, each natural or legal person shall be responsible for the position of his mailbox. The rules for use and deployment of mailboxes may be discussed in more detail in Cabinet Regulation No. 463 “Rules on the place of supply of postal services, the establishment and presentation of postal network access points, mailbox points and mailboxes, and the establishment of cross-border postal handling facilities.” 

The Board of Vilnius Alliance asks residents to organize their mailbox points and the area around them by 1 June of that year. It is desirable that the mailbox be:

  • positioned on a straight, stable basis;
  • without rust and mechanical damage;
  • colour in good quality, preferably yellow to ensure a uniform environmental landscape. 

If a private person does not want to continue using this total mailbox point, then the mailbox must be installed at its own private property, choosing the mailbox design according to its wishes. 

In order to improve the existing situation, the Commission of Vilnius Alliance will establish a Commission that will assess the visual status of mailbox points. Those mailbox points whose appearance will not be in the environment and will not meet the requirements will be dismantled.  

We will improve the environment around ourselves and ensure that the Vilnius Association is increasingly organized and more beautiful! 

Administration of Viļāni Association

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