Achievements of Vilnius young athletes in athletics

On 30 April, the Jçkabpils stadium was held at 31. Jçkabpils District is an open championship for adults and U-16 athletes - Peter Zelina, Jura Berzins, Franz Sukkane memorial. The championship was born in 2006 and previously men and women, boys and girls born in 2007-2008 (U-16). Given the number of participants IN THE U-16 age group, a decision was taken to divide girls into two streams based on their personal results. 

Viļānu was represented by: Valters Malta, Artis Zavdrins, Madara Skangale, Alīna Saprovska, Liana Smirnova, Elizaveth Kuznetsova, Bogdan Meļnik, Marita Wulāne, and Simon Prikule.  

Athletes returned with prizes at home:

  • Walter Malta won 1 st place in the 1500 m run (4:49 .18 min.);
  • Artis Zavdrins took 2 nd in the 1500 m run (5:07 .69 min.);
  • The Simon Pricule in the shooting (9.58 m) and the spear hunting took 2 nd place (31.29 m).

Results of competitions: 

We welcome all the winners, luck and endurance of the prizes in the next competitions.


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