Viļānu for cultural house – 70



On 15 October, THE 70 th anniversary of THE 1 TP5T cultural house was celebrated with a solemn concert. The concert had gathered a full hall in two parts, but when the ball began, the dancers began to turn to the first song. 

THE first part of the concert took PLACE IN Viļānu self-action collectively. Newspaper articles were read among the performances, thus presenting the history of the cultural house. The second part of the concert is created as a single performance in the performance of self-acting collective. In a thematic way through history decades and world events, they were collectively playing topics such as the first došanos in space, the milleniums (Millennium Change), THE COVID-19, as well as the prospect of the future, the potential robotic era. The trip also led to the Paris cabin and the hot south. 

Among the sections OF the concert, THE cultural house OF Viļānu thanked all supporters, giving the calendar, as well as receiving a greeting – from the municipality of Rezekne, THE administration of THE Viļānu association, Viļānu for city and parish educational institutions, local societies, cultural institutions and others, with which close cooperation has developed over the years. THE leader of the Viļānu association, Ivars Ikaunieks, specifically raised the high level of quality, in his speech joking: “Viļānu in self-operation does not take any, but only talented.” THE Viļānu cultural house has been an important meeting place for cultural fans, local residents and visitors at all times. 

The cultural house Viļānos was built in 1952 – with 550 viewers, 250 places – lecture and exhibition hall, library. After that, Viļānu-cleaning work was also continued - a cultural area, more than 200 owls and around 2000 bushes have been planted in the city.

In 1955, the newspaper “gateway” describes the attendance and opportunities of THE Viļānu cultural house - “a lot of people are going to the cultural house.” A lot of cultural lovers, dance dancing, learning children's dances. But the most visitors of the cultural house are physicists. 'The house was praised as a volleyball area, a basketball practice and a chess race.

In 1989, when Viļāni celebrated the 61 st anniversary of the city's status, a red-white flag was built IN THE Viļānu cultural house. After that, there were songs at the cultural house, songs were singing. In the newspaper “pioneer” about this article, “that the flag will spread over THE city OF Viļānu, inviting its people to keep their city together, be united to the sovereign Latvia!”

IN Viļānu, clusters, music associations, dance classes are active in the cultural house. Not only local but also collectively from the capital and the country, the cultural house is also open to foreign visitors. Since the start OF the operation, Viļānu cultural house choirs, ensembles and dance collectors have participated in general Latvian song and dance festivals and have won prizes in competitions and views. 

Currently, 13 self-action collections - 2 am atiertheatres, choir and ensembles, folklore set, People's dance collectors - are active IN THE Viļānu cultural house, a total of approximately 160 active participants. 

Prepared by: Liana speaker

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