Project works procurement information of “Viļānu music and art school new building energy efficiency”


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2022. gada  29. jūnijā starp pašvaldību un Centrālo finanšu un līgumu aģentūru tika parakstīta vienošanās par projekta “Improving the energy efficiency of THE new building of THE Viļānu music and art school” nr. īstenošanu. Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībai vēl ir apstiprināti trīs energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas projekti sekojošiem objektiem – Lendžu administratīvās ēkas,, kultūras nama ēkā, Rēznas pamatskolas ēkai un Maltas bērnu un jauniešu centra ēkai.

In order to be able to implement the energy efficiency projects approved by the local government, the municipality of Rezekne has announced for the second time procurement for four local government objects, including an object – Viļānu for the new building of the musical and art school, with the aim of identifying construction contractors who will perform planned construction works at sites. This time an open competition “Construction works for energy efficiency improvement of buildings of the municipality of Rezekne” (procurement identification No. RNP 2022/19).

The operation of the war in Ukraine, the sharp rise in prices, or any other reason, is the basis for the fact that the builders have not shown an interest in submitting for the second time, or submit excessive increases in their financial offers, which are causing problems for the local government with the realization of the project.

THE total budget of the new building of THE ENERGY efficiency improvement project Viļānu music and art school is 441585,49 EURO and includes the following works, according to the energy certificate:

  • insulation of exterior walls, including windows and door openings and the insulation of walls against attic spaces,
  • Warming of foundations,
  • Replacement of heat sources, insulation and replacement of existing heating pipes;
  • Improvement of lighting system

In the near future, the municipality will launch procurement for a third time to be able to successfully implement the project within the specified deadlines.

Project Manager, Guntis Kalnins

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