“Siberian children” of the drawing competition in the national presidential castle of the country

S. g. On June 14, the foundation “Siberian children” organised a drawing event for the winners of the drawing competition, which took place in the national presidential castle. From Maltas secondary school, a class 9a pupil was invited to this event, 3 rd place, Angelika Percova.

As part of the awarding event, there was an opportunity to listen to the true stories of people's fate, the terrible events of that time. The President's castle saw the exhibition of the best competition works. President of Latvia Egils Levits addressed the present and personally welcomed the winners of the competition.

In the gift, Angelika Percova received a diploma, books, pen and 40 euros. There was an opportunity to look at the krāšņo interior of the President of the country, as well as the large-format portrait gallery of the President of Latvia.

Congratulations Angelika!

Thank the school director Vinerai Dantrei for his support and the opportunity to visit this event!


Visual art teacher Antoņina Vasilieva


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