9 May – European Day!



On 9 May, the European Day is celebrated. This is the day of celebrating the European sense of farming and the peace that has been achieved in Europe. This year, 15 years have passed since Latvia entered the European Union, becoming a full European part.
Historically, on 9 May 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, aware of the threat of the Third World War, which could cover the whole of Europe, read a declaration to the international press in which France, Germany and other European countries were invited to combine their coal and steel production, thus placing “the first pillar of the European Union”. He proposed the establishment of a European institution, under the supervision of the coal and steel industry, which then formed the basis of all military power. The European project started on this day. Therefore, at the summit of Heads of State and Government of THE EU in Milan in 1985, a decision was taken to celebrate 9 May as a European Day.
Also this year, on 9 May, the European Union's birthday, or European Day, is celebrated throughout Latvia with various events. The European Commission's representation in Latvia invites everyone to participate in the European exam (which is an exciting test to test their erudition in European issues) throughout the day from 8.00 – 21.00 online www.esmaja.lv
Accession TO THE EU was one of the turning points in Latvia's future development, opening up countless opportunities for both citizens and local governments. The municipality of Rezekne is also actively involved in the implementation of the opportunities offered BY THE EU.
Over 200 projects have been carried out in the Rēzekne municipality over recent years, attracting more than 38 million euros, which is a very important figure.
There are many: renowned educational institutions, organized villages of villages and renovated roads. More than eur 11,5 million has been invested in the improvement of the educational institutions of Rezekne in the past five years, including the education centre of the municipality of Latvia - Kaunatas, Dricānu, Nautrēnu and Maltas in the development of secondary school infrastructure. Most of the funding is linked to the European Regional Development Fund. By investing EU funding, Lūznavas manor was born in 2015, becoming not only a favorite place for art and music, but also promoting entrepreneurship and the socio-economic growth of Rezekne.
In order to promote the economic and social activity of the Rezekne District, 105 EU LEADER projects have been approved over the past four years for the start and development of entrepreneurship, the visibility of the local community, the promotion of the attractiveness of the site, the preservation of cultural heritage and other citizens' initiatives.
By the end of 2019, the European Social Fund project is taking place - “living healthy in Rezekne District”, which helps citizens to ensure the activities of disease prevention and healthy lifestyles, as well as lectures and advice of knowledgeable specialists.
Today, on the European day, send greetings to all who have participated in the competition for the European Union, have offered their creative ideas, articles, attended or organised seminars on THE EU, prepared French, Italian and Bashkar food with the Erasmus + programme participants, talked about their experience in projects, or simply supported us and European values!
Diana Selecka and Inta Rimšāne,
Europe Direct Information Centre in Eastern Latgale Workers
Rezekne Municipality
Release alley 95-A, Rezekne, LV 4601
Tel. +37164607177

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