Aicina uz apmācību kursu "Starpkultūru komunikācija”

Sabiedrības integrācijas fonda (SIF) īstenotā projekta „Nacionālais integrācijas centrs” ietvaros tiek organizēts apmācību kurss „Starpkultūru komunikācija” (I līmenis), lai paaugstinātu valsts pārvaldes, pašvaldību un to iestāžu darbinieku, kā arī nevalstisko organizāciju pārstāvju, kas strādā vai nākotnē savā darbā varētu saskarties ar trešo valstu pilsoņiem , starpkultūru komunikācijas prasmes.
SIF has developed a training programme “intercultural communication” in cooperation with experts, which has been helping professionals in various sectors for several years to work and communicate with foreigners who have arrived with a goal of longer or shorter periods of residence and living in Latvia. In the course of the development of the training programme, an analysis of the latest research and scientific literature has been carried out, the experience and recommendations of third-country nationals have been heard, the experience and recommendations of public administration, local government and NGOs have taken place, taking into account the in-depth interviews. As a result, the training course created allows to look at the ongoing immigration processes through a deep personal sense of sense, while providing information on the most topical trends in the immigration process in Latvia and promoting the creation of practical skills, tolerance and valuable experience with third-country nationals.
The knowledge and skills acquired during training will enrich all professional skills and competences and will be useful in both work and day-to-day contact with people of different nationalities!
Norises vieta un laiks
The level of training is four full days divided into two blocks of two days each. The training will be held in Riga region and Latgale region. Students from all Latvia may be interested in applying for training. The training sites will be clarified and will be carried out outside of regional centres. Membership is mandatory in all four days.
The training will take place:
1) Latgales reģionā 06.01.- 07.01. un 20.01.- 21.01.2015. (vieta 20 dalībniekiem)
2) Rīgas reģionā 08.01.- 09.01. un 22.01.- 23.01.2015. (vieta 20 dalībniekiem)
Apmācību mērķa grupa
Employees of public administrations, local governments and their institutions, as well as representatives of non-governmental organisations who are engaged in working with third-country nationals or who might be working with this target group in the near future. The training process calls for experts to be invited to address the issues of education, employment, health, safety, interests and civic participation of third-country nationals.
Apmācību programmas, tēmas un metodes
The training cycle consists of two workshops, each of which will last four full days (30 academic hours). A certificate of participation will be issued at the conclusion of the training.
The training is structured in 4 thematic blocks:
1. „Kultūrsensitīvās profesionālās darbības izzināšana”
2. „Starpkultūru komunikācijas un kultūrdialoga konteksts”
3. „Kultūrkompetences un atšķirību treniņš (Diversity Training)”
4. „Profesionālās attīstības perspektīvas”
The following methods will be used in the learning process: theoretical and practical lessons, discussions based on the shared needs of the group members and focus on the exchange of experience of the same actors and networking between representatives of various sectoral groups and geographical regions. Meeting with the target group representative, using different video views and interactive games.
Dalībnieku atlase
Within the framework of the project, “intercultural communication” will be an opportunity to participate in a total of 40 representatives of public administration, local governments, their institutions and representatives of non-governmental organisations from all Latvia.
The participants of the training will be selected in accordance with the tender procedures, assessing the information indicated in the questionnaire, regarding the knowledge of the potential participant in intercultural communication and direct contact with third-country nationals.
Priority will be given to representatives of public administrations, municipalities and their institutions, as well AS NGOs, who are directly involved in providing services to third-country nationals and who have the least experience in intercultural communication, providing as wide a range of institutions and organisations as possible.
Izmaksas, pieteikšanās un kontaktinformācija
The costs of educational materials, catering and staying in place of training outside Riga or other large Latvian cities are covered from the organisers' side (a specific training site will be specified). The participants' accommodation will be in two-room rooms. As far as possible, transport will be organised.
Pieteikšanās termiņš apmācībām nosūtot reģistrācijas anketu elektroniski uz e-pasta adresi ir 2014.gada 28.novembris.
The approval/rejection of the participation will be sent electronically no later than 17 December.
Contact person:
Sandija Auermane, projekta „Nacionālais integrācijas centrs” mācību aktivitāšu konsultante,, tālr. + 371 66102339.
Project is financed from the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and the State Budget of Latvia (25%)
Reģistrācijas anketa

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