We are invited to attend the lectures of certified medical practitioners in Audiros and Maltā!

As part of the Rezekne municipality's project “live healthy Rezekne District!”, the people of Rezekne municipality have the opportunity to visit the lectures of certified medical practitioners free of charge.
20 October at 9.00 Audriņu in the People's House, every lead is invited to a phlebologa Vladimir Sorokina lecture on the causes, consequences and possible prevention measures of vein diseases.
In turn, on October 20, 10.00 Maltas in the centre of children and young people will be the lecture of ginecologic Aija Krišānes on developments in women's reproductive system at any age, methods of contraception, family planning and pregnancy, causes of gynaecological diseases, consequences and possible prevention measures (national screening programmes).
Phlebologs and gynaecologists will provide answers to the events of the event and recommendations for the creation and follow-up of healthy lifestyle habits.
On 13 October, at Audriņu parish and 29 September IN Maltas parish, health promotion days were already taking place, however, AT Maltas on the day of health promotion, no gynaecologist was present, but IN Audriņu parish, the flebologs. Therefore, use the opportunity to listen to these specialists now.
The “Health Day Day” event takes place on the project “live healthy in Rezekne District” by the municipality of Rezekne. No The project was supported by the European Social Fund (ESF).
Nathalie Bernanne,
Rezekne municipality project
“Live healthy in Rezekne District!”

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