Approved monitoring report of the implementation of the Rēzekne Municipality Development Programme 2012-2018 on the results of 2012 and 2013

On 19 February 2015, the Rēzekne municipality council approved the monitoring report of the implementation of the programme for the development of the municipality of Rezekne for the period 2012-2018 on the results of 2012 and 2013 (minutes of the meeting No. 4, § 2). The report includes an analysis of the General Development Statistical Indicators of Rezekne, a collection of projects implemented by the municipality and an analysis of the activities carried out and an analysis of the situation in the years 2012 and 2013. The report describes the overall level of satisfaction of the population in the survey with the living environment in Rezekne municipality.
The development of the monitoring report for the implementation of the Rēzekne Municipality Development Programme was carried out by the Development Planning Unit of Rezekne, obtaining the necessary information from the available statistics and compiling local government information in cooperation with local government departments, institutions, department managers and specialists. The document drawn up is the first monitoring report of the implementation of the development programme as the monitoring reports are drawn up for each year of implementation of the full development programme. The Rēzekne District Development Programme was approved on 1 March 2012, so 2012 was considered less than a year and the 2012 report is combined with the 2013 report in a single document.
Overall, the development of Rezekne municipality in the years 2012 and 2013 is characterised by slight positive developments – the increase of personal income tax per capita, the gradual decrease of unemployment rates, the number of economically active units, individual merchants and commercial companies per 1000 residents and the number of registered enterprises in the municipality. However, the development Tempus is negatively affected by the decline in population in the municipality and the still high unemployment rate – 22,31 TP1T in 2013. The most realized local government projects and activities are in line with the 2 nd medium-term priority defined in the development programme “diverse public services and development of service infrastructure” – a total of 52 projects, the majority of which are water supply infrastructure and local government building reconstruction projects in the municipality of villages, attracting EAFRD and ERDF funding. The most important problem that concerns the population is the current unemployment (34%) and the need for active business promotion measures (17%). The bedrainy rural roads (27%) and the creation of a favourable living environment in rural areas – regularly arranging, cleaning the area, green areas, roads, infrastructure, providing quality drinking water (9%) are important problems for the people of the municipality. According to the results of the survey of the population, there is a need for gradual improvement in the range of services provided by the local government and other institutions, ensuring the availability of these services in the territory of the municipality and also organising the corresponding coverage of public transport services. As a common vector for improvement of the quality of services of local government, which is considered necessary by residents, it is necessary to improve the cultural and professionalism of the environment by informing the people more widely about the available services and their coverage throughout the territory of the municipality.
Brigita Arbidane
Development Planning Division Territorial Planner
Development Programme Review 2012-2013

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