The project “which in the past research – the future in a blessing”



In early April, stands and information plates with historical information and information about the object were placed in Berzgale and Mariental. The info stands were produced under the EU EAFRD programme 2014-2020, sub-measure 19.2. “Implementation of the action under the community-led local development strategy” activities 19.2.2. Financing of “place potential development initiative”. The Rēzekne municipality project “which pays the future in blessing” was supported in April 2018. The objective of the project is to increase the potential and attractiveness OF Bērzgales parish.
The eligible costs of the project are EUR 5193.84. The aid intensity is 90%, thus public funding OF EUR 4674.46, own co-financing – EUR 519.38.
The information stands and plates were produced BY SIA “Metaldekors”, while SIA “Intecowood” was produced and installed by an afforestation for Mariental village and a box of afišu and flowers FOR Bērzgales centre. The design stands were created by the birthgale Ilze Chudare, linking the historical information with Bērzgales logo and Bērzgales to the motive of the People's Chat.
On the other hand, a national guardsman was summoned in the stalls.
News drafted by Project Manager D.Ekimane
Photo Daila Ekimane
More information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is available on THE EC website.

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