Čornajas National language learning courses in the People's House

In the period from 1 July to 20 August, the LATVIAN language courses for unemployed persons and jobseekers in the framework OF THE ESF project “Support for unemployment education” took place AT Čornajas. The objective of the project is to promote the competitiveness of the unemployed and jobseekers in the labour market. The acquisition of national programmes for unemployed persons and jobseekers is implemented thanks to the support of the State Employment Agency and the European Social Fund.

The national language courses at 150 hours, according to the basic national language skills level, were provided by the training centre SIA “MC ALPHA” Latgale branch (manager Laine Vugule). The lesson ran for a long period of Belkowski, who shared his knowledge every day, teaching courses, preparing the national language skills for the final test.

I believe that THE Čornajas parish for the unemployed who took up the programme was very lucky, because the lessons took place here, on the spot, and did not have to wait for hours for the bus bus, as well as the economy for transport expenditure, which, however, is not less important in the case of unemployment. The National Agency for Employment with Local Authorities has many pluses; it is more often used in practice. Let us hope that the training of such unemployed will not be more than once, on the spot, AT Čornajas in the People's House.

This type of course IN Čornajas parish, Čornajas TN, took place for the first time and has to be said to be very successful. If there are options for not using them! I also call on other unemployed and jobseekers to apply for NVA computer courses, foreign languages (English, German) and national language courses!

Wish the graduates of national language courses to receive positive exams, as well as to fully exploit the acquired knowledge in the labour market!

Photo and text author: Čornajas Head of the People's House Janis Alexanis

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