Birthday in Berzgale



September is the month of poetry and writer Anton Ruth. Anton Rupainis had written poems in his early youth, and he would later focus on writing historical novels and plays. One of his poems is “in the Land of Mōra”, which was published in 1935 at the age of 15 years of Latgale release 1920 –1935. “In collaboration with the youth centre, library and museum, there is an exhibition OF Bērzgales children and youth drawings:“ A. Rupaiņa poem “Mōra land” in my view. ”In addition to the drawings, both the writer's own and his poems from the museum stock are visible. The exhibition will be seen in the festival of the cultural house throughout the month of September.
In the afternoon of 20 September, Berzard visited the poet Ineta Atpile - Jugane and introduced her new book to children Lobuo i nalobuo, written in Latgalian. THE songs of Guntras Kuzmina-Yukna with Inetas Atpiles - Juganes texts were heard in the performance of THE “caramel” of THE Bērzgales cultural house.
A pleasant surprise was the poems of the six-year-old irbes Carlisle, who was executed by the young poet herself. With his latest poems, he was introduced by the children of the children Meldra Gailane.
A. Rwanda museum manager Skaidrite Apeinne
Photo Daila Ekimane
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