Feathers present the Catholic-Feimaņu of the Rēzekne District


Feimau civil parish

In mid-July, the historic Silaiana parish was held at the Feaviets at the school fowls, and the present-day Feimaņu parish was reconstructed in a 19 th-century countryside presentation. The chat handler is a handman, founder, founder of “Latgale ethnography embassy” and manager Iveta Seimanova. Iveta is a teacher by profession, living in Riga, but born in Galen (Vidazuiža). The real Latgale Patriot hobbies are the exploration and production of peoples, using ancient techniques and available materials as far as possible.

The school park was an ideal place for an interesting event. The great swells were washed by a heaven, which was given by the thick flowering beans and the oak. The visitor and the feathers could look at the ancient towels, the coats of Preiles and Rēzekne women's honorary coats (burnacles).

The opening, building agent of Silaiana-Feimaņu was a feavier, Maltas parish library manager Erika Grigorjeva, whose pet dream was to make an authentic handkerchief that had previously been worn by wives on her mother's side. And now part of the dream came out - the bright brute ready to be shown. Thus encouraging others to take a significant job.

And so, studying the stockpiles of Latvian National History Museum in Riga, he was raised to a wonderful bruncim! Also, the rest of the national garment was set up according to this ethnographic location: Kopka, shouk, zeches, the roots of the twisted snake, the lyna crack, the collar with the groin, and the kōjōs postolys voi veizis, because there was no such rich people to have shoes on their feet.

The maistare Iveta also made miniature peoples with three dolls. The most popular female name in the middle-class area was Annuja, and Silaiana - Ilja (1920 s). Consequently, the dolls were given the appropriate names. The middle-class girl, Annužai, is a younger sister, Long, whose declared residence is a parish library OF Feimaņu. Welcome to every visitor of the library.

Historian, counselor, Heraldian SIA “BalticFlags” ceo Maris Romakh told his vision of THE history of Feimaņu, the archaeological Latgale People's outfit, and demonstrated the typical female senorts of this place. Maris also introduced the book “Riharda Zarina's memories”, where the author reflected his earlier life IN Feimaņu manor when Zarina's father was the manager of the estate.

We are very hopeful that the book on Feimaņiem or Vimyne, because historical evidence and material are sufficient and historic and enthusiastic.

Ivetu Seimanov will be waiting in Feathers with representatives of Latgale's ethnography embassy at our expeditions. Let's show my piano chest, pulling out of my forgotten life. Maybe a rarity where you're going to go deeper...

But as a result of our compatriots, it depends only on ourselves. Let us give ourselves and our granddaughters a costume so that we can carry them with dignity and honour, because it is our wealth that is being built and transferred to the next generations. We can be proud that we have our own people. This clothing will be included in the book on the countryside and has already been entered in the National Catalogue of Latvia! It will be gone! Thank Iveta Seimanov for his work, enthusiasm and interesting hobbies. It is a pleasure that there are people in our midst who forget the honour!    

Erna Ulase,
Feimau civil parish library manager

Photo: Long Marejeva

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