Young people go “Velotour & #039; 2015”


For young people

Dricānu young people organized a two-day cycling. It was intended to be a useful leisure time, introducing the businessmen of Rezekne and young people from other parish. Young people from Dricāniem, Varakalans, Gaigalavas, Rezekne and Audriņiem took part in the trip.
As part of the project, the participants visited Z/S “budpuri” at the Erinu family, who told them what they meant to maintain and develop agriculture not only in their region but also in the country. Andris Eriņš added that we must be proud, because Latgale is the second best-developed agriculture in Latvia, between regions. The road led to Pilceni, the leader of the Lesko-N company, Skaidrite Treikule and her family. The businessman told young people about the fact that it was not so easy to set up and launch their business, but for the sake of Skaidrice Treikuli, further progress was made in the development of the pharmaceutical industry. We went into the camp in the “emotions of emotions...” where we met and met local people. The destination of the journey was Nautrēnu parish in Rogovka village. At first, local young people organized an excursion at the recently opened Rogovka multifortional youth initiative centre, as none of the participants in the cyclist had been visiting there. Later -- dinner and conversation with SIA Rogovka bakery manager Skaidritti Bambali.
Although at the end of the first day, the participants said that the distance was too small and could drive more, but they changed their thoughts on the next day, as 40 kilometres were enough to be measured over two days.
During the trip, young people took a video of what they heard, saw and lived. Here are 2 emotions overfilled in less than 3 minutes.

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