Cultural tourism route – Pleskava district – Latgale region



Name of the route: “History of Culture and History”
Duration: 7 days
Length of route: 556 km on the Latvian side, 396 km on the Russian side
Number of route objects: Latvia – 42; Russia – 10
Latgale and Pleskava are two regions with a very rich and diverse culture. In Latgale, it has been influenced by many nationalities and ethnic groups who have lived here for centuries. Pleskava is one of the oldest cities in Russia at the Velikai River. The cultural heritage of the region is represented by excellent architectural monuments – cathedrals, churches, public buildings, urban ensembles, as well as rural areas, characteristic populated areas and cultural landscapes.
Cultural tourism routeНазвание маршрута – “kultūras of Culture and vēstures” (“Дыхание культуры и истории”)
Продолжительность – 7 дней
Длина маршрута: 556 км на латвийской стороне, 396 км на российской стороне
Количество объектов маршрута в Латвии – 42; в России – 10
Латгалия и Псковская область – два региона с очень богатой и многообразной культурой. В Латгалии при взаимном влиянии ее создавали множество народностей и этнических групп, проживающих здесь уже веками. Псков – один из самых древних российских городов на реке Великой. Культурное наследие региона представляют выдающиеся памятники архитектуры – соборы, церкви, общественные здания, городские ансамбли, а также сельские хутора, характерные населенные места и культурные пейзажи.
 Route name: “cultural and history breaths”
Duration: 7 Days
Length: 556 km in Latvia, 396 km in Russia
The Number of Objects: Latvia – 42; Russia – 10
Latgale and Pskov District are Two Regions with very Rich and varied Culture. Latgale is Rich in many nationalities and Ethnic groups are lived here for centuries. “Pskov is One of the oldest Russian Cities at the River Velikaja.” The Cultural Heritage is represented by the Outstanding Architectural Monuments - the Cathedral, the churches and public Buildings as well as Rural Evaluation, their specific Location.

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