Charity measure Bērzgales at primary school



December gives the children a pleasant thrill of excitement, which culminates in Christmas night, when a Christmas man with a thick white beard and a large gift bag must arrive at every moment.
Bērzgales elementary school pupils, with something unusual and miraculous, met during the pre-holidays, when the beautiful RŪĶu family from Riga, with enormous gift bags, came to school in the beautiful evening of 9 December. So much Ruth had never seen any of them in his life.
These sincere warriors were able to create a lovely celebration of festivals at school. The dwarfs sang songs, went to play, allowed winter joys, and, of course, performed their duties - gifts.
Gifts received all Bērzgales primary school students 1-8, as well as their smallest brothers and sisters. Incredible, but it was true! It was filled with the best wishes of all the pupils that the children had discovered in a letter to Christmas grandfather. In addition to the very gifted gifts, students also received the necessary things: school bags, school accessories, sports goods, recent books and other valuable things, including much, much sweetness.
As it is known, the warriors have been going to rural schools for several years to enjoy the most active pupils with gifts. Therefore, during the event, the pupils had to prove that they were both smart and successful, both strong and active. The pupils tried to cheer the Ruc family with their own performances, singing songs, counting poems, dancing dancing, showing the theatre show.
The most emotional moment of the event was when everyone - the warriors, the pupils, the parents - agreed to a joint song “Pi Distance Long golds.” At that moment, the flames of love burned in each heart, and the tears stolen in his eyes.
After the event, all the children were fond of the gardeners, juices, toys, and photographs.
Valuable gifts were also received by the busiest families, Mitchenko, Kopel, the Charkowski family. These families were sincerely grateful to the warriors. The other pupils, their parents, say the most sincere “thank you!” for their gifts and the wonderful event.
To create a Christmas miracle, you don't need a magic stick, but a heart warmth, a lover. It was obvious that it was all in the hearts of the Rep family.
Although they do not miss power, time and love, doing good jobs!
Gunta Kopeika
Bērzgales primary school teacher

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