In Latvia, the Emergency of Covid-19 is ending; many restrictions remain valid

In Latvia, on June 10, the emergency situation announced on 12 March is ending to limit the new coronavir Covid-19. The virus is still circulating and there are no medicines or vaccines against it, so there are a number of restrictions and precautions.
The public places will be open for longer, until midnight, but bars and cafes will be able to work for up to two o'clock.
It is true that only four people can sit at one table, but eight are out. There must be a two-meter distance between the tables, and only so many people can be taken together in the bar or cafe until each of them meets at least four square metres.
By the end of June, no more than 100 people will be able to gather indoors, but not more than 300 people in external spaces; in July and August, the restrictions on assembly are gradually decreasing. Reduced restrictions on the operation of trade centres and catering sites, but face masks in public transport will continue to be mandatory.
Green light is given to summer camps where there may be 30 children in one group, as well as sports training. The audience will be allowed to return to the viewers without exceeding the number of consonants allowed. A court, only outside or in spaces larger than 1000 square metres.
Several institutions have resumed their work and customer service at the same time, inviting people to use electronic services as much as possible.
The main conditions for international passenger transport will be the incidence of morbidity in the countries concerned, which is reviewed every week by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the carriers will be responsible for compliance with these conditions.
The meetings of the Government will also take place remotely after the emergence of the emergency.
The government also identified safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection in all sectors of the business:

  • informing employees and customers;
  • distance traveling 2 meters
  • hygiene requirements;
  • monitoring of the health of persons.

The new Covid-19 laws will allow the government to:

  •  establish restrictions on assembly, cultural, religious and sporting activities, including requirements in public places, public transport;
  • deciding on school activities and remote learning, including health services.

The law will be valid for as long as Covid-19 epidemiological security threats exist and will lose strength when a separate law is adopted. The Government will have to provide the Saeima with a report on the situation at least every three months. The Covid-19 laws approved by the Saeima also provide for the government to maintain the possibilities to take decisions more flexibly on the impact mitigation issues of Covid-19, the Saeima will be informed about these decisions. Similarly, the Minister of Finance is given the right to take borrowings on behalf of the State, as well as to increase the public debt. He will have to consult with the Saeima Budget and Finance (Tax) Commission.
Social care centres will only be able to receive new customers if they are able to provide epidemiological security measures.
In the application of public events and pixels, the application will indicate how epidemiological security will be ensured.
After the end of the emergency, the free testing of Covid-19 will continue - just as so far a wide range of persons will be able to receive the State-paid Covid-19 tests until the end of the year in normal order.
On the other hand, from June 10, until June 30, everyone has the chance to perform a state-paid Covid-19 test even if there is no symptom.
In the future, the doctor will be able to assess whether the remote consultation is possible or whether it is necessary to assess the patient's state of health in the face-to-face. The patient will not be required to pay for the remote consultation.
The participation of a child in all camps shall be subject to a certificate issued by a family doctor and must be issued no later than 7 days before the commencement of the commencement of the camp. The family doctor shall assess the health of the child, but there is no need to send the child to the Covid-19 test.
The government has strengthened the obligation of the Cabinet of Ministers to prevent medical practitioners, teachers, kindergartens and social centre employees from going to work in the face-to-face, if they have become infected with a dangerous infectious disease, are contacts of such patients or are in self-isolation after returning from the infectious peripherals. This will have to be informed by the employer. These provisions apply not only to Covid-19 but to any dangerous infectious disease.
Even after an emergency situation by the end of the year, alcohol will be allowed to be marketed on the Internet.
Vehicles will be able to be removed from accounting for a time without placing numbers, the truck will be able to pay the operating tax of 50%.
Even after the end of the emergency situation, State aid to entrepreneurs and employees will be in place, local governments will be able to extend the period of payment of real estate tax, state and local government institutions will be able to reduce or cancel rent for the victims and organisations of the crisis.
In order to overcome the crisis, €2.062 billion will be invested in sectoral modernisation, infrastructure development and social protection.
For the limitation of covid-19 prevalence in Latvia, the emergency situation was announced on 12 March, providing that training in schools will be carried out remotely, as is the work of the State and local government institutions as far as possible. On 29 March, the government decided that only 2 people or members of the same household would be allowed to be outside the home. Later, the emergency has been extended until 9 June, but the strict restrictions laid down above have been mitigated - an authorised assembly of up to 25 people, subject to a two-meter distance.

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