Seminar “Social entrepreneurship and the development of ideas”



9 June at 9.00 The “LEARN”/rural economic development of the municipality of Rezekne in Rēzekne District/organizes a seminar: “social entrepreneurship and the development of ideas.”
Workshop agenda:

  • Application of the characteristics of social enterprises, selection criteria and support instruments (including the provision of financial support to social enterprises in Latvia).
  • Diversification of the business environment.

In traditional terms, entrepreneurship means offering, distributing and selling goods and services. Social entrepreneurship is essentially the same, only social entrepreneurship contributes directly to the benefit of society. Accordingly, the profits of the company are not distributed among the owners but are invested in solving socially significant problems, or socially vulnerable groups are involved in the operation of the company. In global practice, there are many and different examples of how social entrepreneurship is defined, understood and regulated.
Why is it so important to develop social entrepreneurship? In today's changing world, in addition to consumer society, the needs and the consumption of goods are only increasing. Consumers buy more and, respectively, suppliers are more and more productive. But at the same time, not all countries in the world have eaten and dressed. Even in Latvia, social problems are one of the most topical in the country, residents cannot find work, insufficient resources to provide one meal for themselves and family, pensioners have small pensions and so on. Every citizen of Latvia knows that the country cannot provide him with all his needs. That is why we need to start thinking more socially, which is one of the fundamental elements of social entrepreneurship - to be responsible not only for ourselves, our family, our fellow people, but also for the society in which you live.
Anita Matisane,
senior consultant of the foundation “Rural Economic Development in Rezekne District”
mob. +371 29678406

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