Centenary oak for Latvia - Maltā



“Let us have the oaks in such a way that they are rooted not only in the ground but also in the hearts.” With such a thought and mood on the side of the fourth morning of May, THERE were Maltas parish people, pensioners, institutions and public collective representatives, families with children and grandchildren. Those who had arrived at their father's home with their family had enjoyed this festive morning in their native parish. In the present day, the head of THE parish administration of Maltas parish, Vitalijs ants and called for the picking of the serial number of the planting oak: Maltas parish pensioner, consultative council, blower orchestra “Vicords”, libraries, museum, pre-school educational institutions “Dzinpariņš”, communal farms, secondary schools, musical school, children's youth centre, cultural house, chapel “Malta”, special boarding school, parish administration representatives.
After the poetry of the poetry of THE theatre, THE poetry of THE herbs “To make us oak in such a way that they are rooted not only in the ground but also in the hearts.” Then the oak will be our men. Then our sons will grow in the oak. Then, after another hundred years, we'll be able to win.on the invitation of the Head of Administration, the Maltese went to planting hundreds of oak trees in the square behind the cultural house, where THE curve was met BY THE River Maltas. THE parish OF Maltas had the honour of planting fourteen oak trees that would grow as a power alley for future generations. In order for the work to be done, the musical orchestra “Vicords” was musicized. Oak – the oldest life in Latvia. Oak stands for 300 years, 300 years of age, 300 years of death. “After long years, after a century, a green oak wall rises at the edge of one field”: the presence of the poetry theatre actor and the chapel “Malta” with the power songs for Latvia.
On 4 May, the campaign “good wishes for Latvia” was launched, where everyone could write their wish and be able to do so at all subsequent events, or simply entering the cultural house until November 18. This is what is written in many “good wishes”: for Latvia, a lot of people, clean forests, arts and obsessed fields, a lot of beautiful places, faith, patience, chuckle, understanding of people, satility and prosperity, a thriving future, happy people, people who love the land, you can live in Latvia.
In conclusion, there was a friendly conversation at the warm grass tea and barley beans, which the housewife Tatjana Surgante took care of.
Elina's prize,
Head of the Maltese Cultural House 

Photo: Ingona Grumolde
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