Launching project “active Community” in Latgale region

The Centre for Education Initiatives (IIC), in cooperation with the British Council's representation in Latvia, starts to implement an educational initiative in the “active Community” region of Latgale, which aims to develop the cooperation skills of educational institutions and local society and the participation opportunities for the creation of active local communities and the promotion of social entrepreneurship. At the time of the project, not only training and various activities will be carried out, but the Community Resource Centres in Daugavpils, Rēzekne, Preilos and Aglona will also be created. Project activities will continue until the spring of 2021.
This initiative is implemented in Latgale region, where the co-operation partners are Daugavpils City Education Administration and the municipalities of Rezekne, Preilu and Aglona. The implementation of activities will involve more than 40 educational institutions and 1400 participants - teachers, children, parents, representatives of local government institutions, NGOs, media etc. who will not only meet and educate, inspire each other, but also implement practical activities in local communities.
In the educational reform implemented in Latvia, one of the principles is to promote partnerships with families and to provide local community members with a variety of opportunities to promote children's learning, development and emotional prosperity. During the implementation of the initiative by February 2021, project promoters will encourage schools to work outside educational institutions with different social groups. To do this, seminars, training for local community representatives and teachers will be organised. New training programmes for teachers and various supporting materials corresponding to the new competences approach will also be developed. The implementation of the project will take into account the methodology developed by the British Council.
“In order to promote the development of Latvian society in line with world development trends, such as globalisation, multicultural communities, 21 st century skills, it is essential to develop human cooperation skills in a new quality. In my view, in small communities, the main responsibility for making public relations with families and other co-workers must be borne by educational institutions, as educational resources are the ones that provide people with the best opportunities and give confidence in the role of individuals in building local communities. Only active Communities will create a socially responsible and active society in Latvia,” says Daiga Zķe, Director of the Centre for Education Initiatives.
The initiative will not improve cooperation between parents, teachers and local government employees, but will also contribute to its development in new quality by launching new and modern forms of cooperation. Therefore, in addition to project activities, 4 Community Resource Centres will be established in the centres of project partner municipalities – Daugavpils, Rēzekne, Preilos and Aglona, where various activities and innovative activities for the local community will be organised in order to enrich the experience of learning and co-operation of children and young people with adults.
The sustainability of the initiative will be ensured at a number of levels: at the level of educational institutions - in the use of knowledge and skills acquired, at local level – in the maintenance and expansion of the Communities' resources centres, at the level of the policy – in the defence of the needs of the target group and the initiation of the necessary changes in the context of the new educational content.
The experience acquired by parents will encourage more participation in the educational process of children, which will be a significant support to teachers, but children will learn a sense of responsibility and experience as the Community, acting together, can do something good for their city and the environment in which they live.
The Centre for Education Initiatives (IIC) is an educational institution that has been active throughout Latvia for more than 18 years, offering wide-ranging educational events for different audiences. IIC is a public benefit organisation. VIIC vision: children who are happy and happy to go to school.
British Council is a Uk international organization that deals with the promotion of cultural communication and educational opportunities. British Council works with more than 100 countries in the fields of art, culture, education and local community. Since 2016, the British Council is implementing a large-scale programme in the Baltic States aimed at supporting education, culture, social entrepreneurship activities which contribute to society's cohesion.
For additional information: Daiga Zaķe,
Director OF IIC, t. 65235635, 26306704

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