Invites Smotra tiergs in Rogovka

On the first Sunday of October, October 3, 8.00 to 14.00, all are invited to Smotra tierga Rogovka! The Space Star ON THE Nautrēnu side has been the largest autumn market from ancient times. The name comes from the fact that the boys who were not married in this market were looking at their bride, the best and most charitable housewives to celebrate the wedding in the autumn.

We call on domestic producers, craftsmen and sellers to sell to the market. Applications for trade are expected until 30 September 2021, submitting a completed submission available here. A natural person who has not registered his economic activity must submit a certificate available here. To submit the necessary documents by e-mail - money training or personally IN Nautrēnu parish administration at the node (address: “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rezekne municipality). Time of acceptance every working day from 8.00 – 16.30

In case of confusion, contact with the node – 64628805 or the head of the cultural house, Ingu Viguli – mob. 28335357.


Inga Vigule,
Nautrēnu Sports Halles - CN Manager


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