The medical treatment institution may only be visited with prior logging

In view of the epidemiological situation, the National Health Service (NVD) recalls that when medical assistance is required, contact the family doctor or the necessary medical service provider should first be contacted. telephones or electronically. No prior sign-in, including in cases where there is a family doctor referral to a medical practitioner or advice in the event of acute illness or exacerbation of chronic fault.

When communicating with a medical treatment institution, the required service, available referrals (in paper format or E-Health Portal) shall be indicated and informed regarding their complaints. The medical treatment institution, when assessing the patient's condition, will take a decision or provide a service in the face of the service, or provide a remote consultation. No patient co-payment is required for remote consultations. The decision to provide remote advice shall be taken by a specialist. If a patient is given a face-to-face visit, you must arrive accurately at the prescribed time to avoid contact with other patients, use the face protective mask and follow a 2 m distance.

In urgent cases where assistance is required immediately, THE NVD shall be invited to refer to the hospital reception chapters or in the event of a life-threatening event (unconsciousness, shortness of breath, suspicion of stroke or infarction, severe injury or life-threatening bleeding, etc. situations where minutes are crucial) to call 113.

It has already been reported that from 3 December to a time in all hospitals there are limited scheduled services in hospital and daily stationary. At the same time, outpatient health care services are not limited. THE NVD draws attention to the fact that if the existing record is changed, the medical treatment institution will contact each patient individually.

At the same time, THE NVD informs that, as of November of that year, Covid-19 positive patients and contacts whose health conditions do not allow for the expected receipt of the service after recovery are allowed to receive outpatient healthcare services in specific medical treatment facilities (e.g. rentgen, gynaecologist, surgeon, cardiologist, laboratory examinations, etc.). List of medical treatment institutions and services available ON THE NVD website whether you can find out the necessary information by calling the NVD free consultative phone 8000 1234.

Important! Provisions to be followed by the Covid-19 positive patient and contact persons in order to receive a healthcare service in a particular medical treatment institution:

  • The service of a family doctor or specialist, with the exception of the services of direct access specialists;
  • A medical treatment institution must be contacted electronically or electronically; the medical treatment institution will assess or the service may not be provided remotely;
  • Arrive at the examination strictly within the prescribed time period;
  • The medical treatment institution shall not be subject to public transport;
  • When both go to a medical treatment institution and a medical treatment institution, a facial mask must be used, a distance of 2 m must be observed, and the hands must be disinfected.

Information on healthcare providers is available at Information on state-paid healthcare services can be found by calling the NVD free information phone 80001234 or on the website

The National Health Service invites citizens to act responsibly, following the instructions of the health professionals and the disease and prevention control centre.

Ārstniecības pakalpojumu saņemšanas kārtība Covid-19 pozitīviem pacientiem Ārstniecības pakalpojumu saņemšanas kārtība

The information was prepared by:
Cynthia Gulbe
National Health Service
Head of Public attiecību Division
Phone: 26368442

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