Barricade Defender Day AT Kaunatas High School

On 20 January each year, the people of Latvia repeatedly recall the events of January 1991 and the participants of the barricades. This year, AT Kaunatas in secondary school, the barricades' renouncement day started with three newsguard posts at the barricades, which controlled the flow of pupils, allowing a bit to feel in circumstances where there was no such free movement as usual. The pupils had to be prepared to respond to the questions of the young guards about the purpose of the move, their status.

In the afternoon, the students of classes 1-6 were invited to two shifts at the campfire behind the school, where, in keeping with the security measures, the participants, under the direction of the newsguard instructor Dainas Naruševich, discussed the events of January 1991. Many students knew that their grandfathers, uncles, neighbors had been on the barricades. After the agreement in the joint song, the newsguards took the participants with tea and fat pies.

Classes 7-12 met the events of January, visiting a drainage workshop with a history teacher Ingrid Uzulani and introducing the memory of barricades participants. History events live in generations, constantly updating memories, testimony, living in events, and maintaining the consciousness of the community so that the spark of statehood glows in the soul.


Inara Paramonova


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