Digitalisation Day in Latgale: fundraising, technical solutions, meetings with experts 

Latgale Planning Region, in cooperation with LATVIAN clusters, invites Latgale production companies to participate in the event “Digital Day in Latgale”, which will be held online on 22 March. The aim of the measure is to introduce Latgale companies with digitisation and funding opportunities for various digitisation projects of enterprises, as well as to offer an opportunity to meet ONLINE with experts with whom these projects could be implemented. 

The European Union funding for digital transformation of more than 100 million EURO will be available to Latvian companies already during this year. The proposed aid programmes are comprehensive and subordinate directly to the competitiveness of the business and, during the event, entrepreneurs will be presented with the planned funding areas and the main conditions for receiving aid. Let us find clarity on “what to do when to do” so that these opportunities are not missed, while experts in THE field, based on the experiences of different companies, will reveal the greatest challenges of this moment, what are the solutions available and what benefits the company is able to provide digitisation. In addition to presentations, all day long, business representatives will be able to apply for private consultations with experts in order to discuss the current issues of the company in the field of digitisation and to start making drafts of future projects. 

The event will take place within the European Digital Week in Latvia. This annual campaign is organised across Europe with the aim of helping entrepreneurs learn and inspire what technologies can provide for their benefit.  

All sectors of industry and anyone with interest in digitisation are invited to apply! Login event HERE

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