ED in Eastern Latgale organizes competition for small garden and greenhouse owners



“Smart and sustainable farming in low-cost or greenhouse” is organised by Europe Direct in East Latgale by August 30. The organisers of the competition invite you to take photos and tell you about your (possibly Momma, omes, neighbor or girlfriend) best idea, as in a small garden, greenhouse, or perhaps on a balcony in sustainable, smart and “green”.

You must send a description with a photo to e-mail ed@rezeknesnovads.lv do you want to write WhatsApp message to tel. number 26531297, or send Messenger message ED Autrumlatgale to Facebook page.

The authors of the best ideas in the prize will be able to select a high-quality garden instrument: a shovel, a ditch, fork, or something other useful, so that the garden works even further.
The most interesting ideas will be published IN THE EAST Latgale Facebook page, although others can inspire more sustainable farming.

Maybe it's an unusual way to get cucumbers. Maybe it's a sort of self-fiction system. Maybe it's a special environmentally friendly fertilizer. We'll wait for your idea!

In addition, a seminar of the same name will be held in the Preilu main library in September - “smart and sustainable farming in small and greenhouses”. In it, everyone will be able to meet the views of experts and industry leaders on sustainable farming in small-scale and greenhouses to learn to restore the balance between human activity and nature, focusing on people's attention to the themes of ecology, the environment and the green course in Europe, and to promote the interest and involvement of every person in the day-to-day practice of green and sustainable life. 

Madara Burtina,
ED East Latgale assistant assistant

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