Veneer's Volleyball League



The Spirit Volleyball League (SVL), who started his activities in October 2019, played the men's team final on June 21. The championship was launched by 13 men and 7 women's teams from all Eastern Latgalia - Jçkabpils, Karsava, Kraslava, Livans, Rezekne, Rezekne municipality, Dagda municipality, Riebinu municipality.
The winners of the women's League were found in February. “Jçkabpils” team became the champions of the first season, 2 nd SEE “Kuorsova”, 3 rd place - Rezekne BJSS girls (coach). Enclosed, Oleg Zuckov.
The men's teams had to finish the tournament at Covid 19. However, by removing restrictions in the country, the men's champion was also cleared from 20 June to 21 June. On June 20, there was a quarter-final where there was no surprise: the team that was higher in the regular championship table. The morning of June 21 was slightly cooler than the previous day, but not in the Adamowa sports hall, as the semi-final crossed four great teams - VK “Kraslava” against VK “leader” (Livani) and VK “Jekabpils” against VK “saldie” (Rezekne municipality).
The first semi-final game developed very intriguing, a high-class volleyball with a score of 3-1 (25-23, 25-14, 21-25, 25-20) was VK “Kraslava” volleyball.
The second game was a finalizer. Neither the Jacobians nor the Rēzekne counters were willing to step up, and the fight took place in every centimetre of the square. The men fell, pulled the bombs, cheered each other, made the blocks, formed the combinations. In the first season, VK “Jakkabpils” won the second VK “sweet”. In the middle of the third Seta, the trauma Artis Zvdris (VK “saldie”) was trapped in the block. The Rēzekne county team stayed in five men's composition (the statute allows the game to be completed if there is no change). The third Seth was won by the villages from Jacob. On the other hand, the fourth Seth without nerve medicine was impossible, as the two teams were very close to the victory, but by playing the second longest Seth SVL, the result of 32-30 was our counselor! By showing the character, St 5 was won. Final result - 3-2 (22-25, 25-16, 22-25, 32-30, 15-9) in favour OF VK “sweet”.
The game's 3 rd place also turned out to be quite interesting, even though the first St went without emotion. “Jakkabpils”, remaining without his leader Eddie Sovetova (leg injury), was unfortunately at the “wooden medals”, or remained in 4 th place. With the result 3-1 (21-25, 25-23, 25-19, 25-15), the new, prospective team from Livans VK “leaders” became the bronze winners.
From all 21 days of the 21 June games, the final was the most predictable and … the most interesting. VK's “sweet”, intensified with Martin Strod, who rushed to help his team members from a concert held in Jekabpils (if not a victory, even if the concert was meaningful), but had left all the forces and emotions in the semi-final, unable to face the very well-playing traps whose captain was Yuri Dmitiyev. THE VK “Kraslava” was a well-lubricated machine - focused, targeted, winning, and therefore legally became the first SVL champions. Final result -3-0 (25-8, 25-18, 25-23).
In the competition of season 1 champion men, VK “Kraslava”, 2 nd “saldie” (Rēzekne municipality), 3 rd place - VK “leader” (Livani) became competition.
Individual prizes were also distributed:

  • MVP or SVL season 1 most valuable player – Christine Litavniece (“Jçkabpils”)
  • Most successful and best attacker SVL - Christine Dzierkale (SEE Kuorsova)
  • Best blocker - Victoria Gudele (Rezekne municipality)
  • Best cēlāja - Elina Mitchule (Rēzekne BJSS)
  • Best servant - Gunta Nesterenko (“Jacob”)
  • Best New Players – Ilze Beitāne (Dagda/Kraslava)


  • MVP or SVL most valuable player, most successful player - David Jolnerovics (VK Kraslava)
  • Best attacker - Sandris Turlai (Rogovka)
  • Best Blocker - Ronalds Vucans (VK "leader")
  • Best cēlājs - Dmitry Spakov (VK “Kraslava”)
  • Best servētājs – Janis Gabranov (Rogovka)
  • Best New Player - Nikita Kopmanis (Kaunata)

The best judges - Zaiga Mikhailova and Sandris Turlai.
More information on games and other information
The people have an expression of the first puppies to be drowned. Of course there were some errors in organizational work, but i believe that the volleyball festival, which is called a SABRE VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE at Latgale, had succeeded!
Thank you very much for all the supporters, judges, but especially for Rēzekne's sports specialist Igor Derjagin.
Take a warm, sporting summer and meet in the autumn - in the second SVL season!
Oscar Krukovsky,
organiser of competitions
(SEE “Latgolys Vonogi”)
D.žolnerovičs- vērtīgākais un rezultatīvākais SVL spēlētājs G.Nesterenko-labākā servētāja I.Beitāne- labākā jaunā spēlētāja R.Vucāns- labākais bloķētājs elīna mičule- labākā cēlājaV.Gudele-labākā bloķetājaK.Litavniece-SVL vērtīgākā spēlētājaK.Dzierkale -reziltatīvākā spēlētājaRēzeknes BJSS  VK Jēkabpils-4.vieta VK KRĀSLAVA VK Līderi VK SaldieD.Špakovs- labākais cēlājs

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