The folklore ensemble “Vōrpa” brings the autumn greetings to the people of Sherjan and Pilcenes.
October 1 - International day of the old people. Its aim is to draw public attention to the ageing of the population, the lives of old people, the lonely old people. This holiday was also marked by Sherjan and Citizens' homes with festival lunch, concert, prizes.
On 30 September, on 30 September, THE 1 TP42T People's House folklore set “Vōrpa” and the Russian song singer Nathalie Nikoļenko visited the homes. We sang the people of the Latgalian people, honored the apples and the festival. How happy people were! She sang the ancient Russian romances, and also wanted to talk. Every story of his life, his memories, is his home.
We wanted to be happy, because no one could be pleased if the joy was not going to begin; be active because the movement is life; share each other with the stories of life and strong health.
Sarmite Stapule