Gaigalaviets Momma in the Forest Olympics finals



For the eighth consecutive year, “Latvian State Forests” organizes a forest Olympics, which aims to encourage schools to include subjects and events related to the acquisition of knowledge, experience and skills in direct contact with the forest, the environment. Students or team leaders of any type of study, together with students of classes 1-9, could participate. By 3 February, teachers were able to involve an hour of school in the field of the year of the forest and a lesson of school hours (in the school yard, park, forest, botanical garden, etc.) using natural materials. The subject of this year is literature in the forest, so THE Gaigalavas primary school teacher Maruta Krustne, together with class 8 pupils, met in Teirumnk marsh trail.
The pupils searched for comparisons, epitetres, metaphors, listened much, watched, and made poems. The jury welcomed this work, and the gigalans were in the number of 60 schools who could further fight for entry into the final, playing the internetgame “Mežonieks”. From these schools in the final, only 6 best schools with teacher and 10 children were able to enter the Forest Olympics finals. Another 10 schools would receive recognition – the attractive Hogman visit to his school.
During the period from 17 February to 17 March, a violent struggle took place, and our assault and diligence were justified! Gaigalavas primary school team (Class 8 pupils: J.Poch, Laima Colney, Lauma Colney, V. Kolneja, S. Kalvāne, S. Caune, A. Sarnovičs, E. Netlis-Galejs, J. Mikhailov, A. Barinova and teacher M. Krustne) were in the Forest Olympics finals, which will be held on 24 April in Tērvete. The Final Gaigalaans will speak with Annenieku elementary schools, Kr. Valdemara Ainaja Schools, Zvejniekciema Secondary Schools, Vircava High Schools, Commands of Sikschen Primary School, on the possibility of driving in a natural expedition to the Norwegian Nature School.
Maruta Krustne
Gaigalavas primary school teacher

Photo: Maruta Krustne

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