Acquisition of an electric bus in the municipality of Rezekne

Publicēts: 02.06.2023

Atjaunots: 12.11.2024

Projekta apraksts

Project name:

Acquisition of an electric bus in the municipality of Rezekne

Project number:


Project objective:

The aim of the project is to improve the implementation of the functions of the municipality of Rezekne and the services provided, by improving the mobility of learners and the reach of the educational institutions, by purchasing a baseball vehicle for the performance of the transport of educatees IN THE management OF THE Viļānu association, thereby contributing to the greening of the public sector transport.

Project implementation time:

30 mēneši no 2023. gada 2. maija


Projekta kopējais budžets ir 805 371,30 EUR, no kura Atveseļošanas fonda finansējums ir 666 660,00 EUR, pašvaldības līdzfinansējums – 138 711,30 EUR.

Main project activities:

The project is planned to purchase one new bus in Rēzekne Municipality Viļānu for the transport of pupils.
The project will also carry out the construction work of the electric bus charging point or station Viļānos according to the technical solution of the construction project. In the framework of construction work, the supply and installation works of a bus charging point or station, the installation of parking and driveway roads, the basis, construction of a fencing, the improvement of the territory, the construction of video surveillance, monitoring and security system, the connection of electricity supply, lighting and control shall be provided for.

Contact person:

Projektu vadītāja Brigita Arbidāne,
tālr. 64607185



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