Improvement of the energy efficiency of the Rēznas elementary school building
Projekta apraksts
Project name: | “Rēznas pamatskolas ēkas energoefektivitātes |
Project number: | Nr. |
Project objective: | Projekta mērķis ir samazināt primārās enerģijas patēriņu, sekmējot energoefektivitātes |
Project implementation time: | From 29 June 2022 to 31 December 2023 |
Financing: | Projekta kopējās izmaksas ir 530 330,73 EUR, attiecināmās izmaksas ir 523 331,80 EUR, no tām The project is co-financed BY REACT-EU financing for mitigating the effects of the pandemic crisis. |
Main project activities: | The project provides for the performance of works which ensure the improvement of the energy efficiency of that building, which according to the energy certificate is as follows:
Contact person: | Projektu vadītāja Brigita Arbidāne, |