Opportunity to operate in THE “YOULA” project – motivation for youth social activity in Latgale



Kaunatas High School is one of ten Latgale schools participating in the “YOULA” project. Project YOULA – motivation for the social activity of youth in Latgale, organised by the association “Miromida”, in cooperation with the British Council representation in Latvia under the “People to People Cultural Engagement” programme.

The aim of the project is to encourage, combine young people from Latgale schools, raise their motivation to be socially active in local society and support their initiatives. The willingness to participate in this project was expressed by 18 pupils from Classes 7 to 12.

In the framework of the project, Miromida will organise a remote training cycle in the Zoom platform based on non-formal learning methods in conjunction with aesthetic kouching, using a working approach to “learning” and “creative learning”. The purpose of training is to raise the motivation of pupils, inspire to talk about topical topics, think about changes, initiate and plan future activities for the local community.


Inara Paramonova


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