Implementation of the Youth Inventory Purchase Project at the Tree Secondary School

From 1 June 2014 to 1 October 2014, Tiskad High School carried out an inventory purchase project “sound apparatus for the organisation of free time for young people in high school”. The implementation of the project was granted by the municipality of Rezekne in the amount of 670.00 EUR and Silmalas parish co-financing for purchase of hardware 157.99 EURO, as well as co-financing for transport expenditure and organisation of events. A sound hardware inventory - acoustic systems “Behringer Eurolive”, a micro-serpultis “Behinger”, a wireless VHF microphone system, a light equipment “LED Magic bar”, accessories for connecting sound hardware was purchased for the project. The new inventory was already used in a number of events for children, young people and parents - holiday holidays, fathers' day, indulgence in secondary school pupils, the discovery of Tiskad High Schools and Cruel Primary Schools, a event in the Baltic Road, a teacher's day, a sports festival for pre-school children. With the new sound hardware, the events became more interesting and modern. Students are happy to do so and organise events themselves. All the equipment purchased will continue to be used to organize children and youth events.
Olga Missevich
project consultant