Special release of the newsletter “Berziness news”

For a second year, a special release of “Bērzgales news”, dedicated to the time of the barricades and awakening. This time we published an awakening time in the newspaper, the presidential of the press house Kazimira Dundura the memory of the time when the press house was occupied by the omonians and he was arrested. It started in late 1990 and continued in 1991. Since K. dundurs is a child of children, he has given the museum to the museum so that the next generations can be acquainted with the time of this troubleshooting and Latvia.
The newspaper has also published a flag story of the attraction of the red-white flag of Latvia above the highway in Vonogow.
We can only look at some K. Dundura memories:
'But on January 1, i can't imagine what's going to begin with the first day of the new year, that i'll be arrested and the gun barrel and the threat of shooting or recalculating it.
As usual, at 6 o'clock i went out of the apartment in the courtyard to go to the press house (PN). But the driver reported that THE PN had been surrounded by tens of omonians. The foyer is filled with fighters. In the middle of the middle, Vruļevsky was twisting. I decided to go and see what was happening. In front of the press house, 100 metres from the entrance to it, there is a small cluster of trees. We stopped. All around PN saw cars and their owners-omonians, surrounded by vending machines and grenades. It became clear that Rubik did not give up. As we stopped behind the trees, the omonians immediately saw and began to turn their cars in our direction. We walked back across the bridge to the apartment on the street. They're in the back. I ran into the apartment and started to call the government and AROUND the phones. Only the secretaries were ahead, and i didn't have any advice to do what i had to do. I decided to go, despite anything, on PN's own bad throat. I went down in the courtyard of my house, but there was a lobby with the Partjonov itself. My armed men take their hands and declare that i'm arrested. Put it in your car and we go to PN. In the lobby, the foyer was urged from the armed militants. We walk up on the 3 rd floor. The door of the office opened, inside “friends.” “Your days are over!” You didn't listen to our advice. Immediately, the bank's money cheque book and PN stamp were returned. I said i didn't have it.
The omonians, who had been in the office with a bunch of cartridges with coils facing me on the muzzle of vending machines, came around and twisted the keys of the machines into Vrubblevska's words: “quicker safe!” I kept saying, 'I don't have a check book and a stamp' (there was no).
Moments become critical. I pick up the phone to call - they pull out the wires from the sockets. I say i call Moscow. Let me, but realize that i'm talking to my Council of Ministers, pull out the wires again.
The situation is strained. Nerves. The same requirement for return (check book and PN stamp) and various threats are in line. But, in a wonderful way, i have lost any feeling of fear, a spite that gives me more resistance and resilience. I asked the secretary to bring coffee. Get even a cognac suit. Go to the toilet. Omonians go with you. I walk into lunch, the omonians sitting at the table and standing in the canteen.
It takes a day underneath my vending machines, a variety of warnings and threats, and a request for a stamp and a bank check book. It continued to darkness.
Then i suddenly take out the key and open the safe, and Vruļevsky runs to the safe and pulls out all the documents, looking for a stamp and a cheque book. They have read them repeatedly, and they don't find it and threaten to call Rubikam. It doesn't believe and calls me, “where the stamp, where the cheque book” he yells, i understand what to do next. Arrest me? He realizes that he won't get it and see me, he decides to release me, telling me that if i'm not put on the table tomorrow, i don't have to go out of the office. The omonians leave the office and i prepare to do the same because the secretary tells me that several cars are waiting for me to be delivered to the Cabinet.
By the way, the stamp and the bank account check book. They never stayed with me, but at the main accountant, Beinarovič, who had fled them in a PLACE in the course of the day. I knew about that at noon, so i opened a safe in the evening. I did it in the evening to better [understand] Rubik and omonians' intentions and get time to draw up an action plan.
It was just one day in my life (very short and fragmented), but for many months, there was a lot of a day. It was an inalienable accompaniment to stress and nerve overload, the intrinsic thoughts of the future that would happen to each of us, with Latvia. The situation was even more heavier by the fact that the printing collective and journalists, after heavy reflection, had to give up and remain under the authority of Rubik or get rid of the tourniquet of the party, and so leave for a while from the press house to return to it. But if he could return, he could not be guaranteed by anyone. And yet the majority were convinced, so they took the decision: to leave the press for the time being. '
IN the press house, K. dundurs returns only On 23 Augustwhen the boy is out and 26 August The press house is beginning to print the first newspapers.
Newspaper special in: https://rezeknesnovads.lv/2022/
A. Rwanda museum manager S. Apeinne