Invitation of tenderers to tender “Rēzekne Municipality 2022”

In order to honor the best businessmen of Rezekne, the municipality of Rezekne conducts an annual competition “Rēzekne Municipality”. The aim of the competition is to clarify and honor the entrepreneurs of Rezekne, who are active in the territory of the municipality, promoting the development of the business environment, attractiveness of production areas, employment, public activity, public and private co-operation, attractiveness of the work environment, ensuring the wider recognition of the economic operators, the promotion of the production/services produced by them.
This year, applicants will be nominated in the following nominations:
- Annual remigrant
- Annual employer
- Year-end image promoter
- Year-of-year sadarbības
- Annual company with youth involvement
- Company of the Year - Sport and Health Prosecutor
- Annual support to Ukraine
The right to nominate tenderers shall be the council of parish councils, other institutions and residents, in cooperation with the management of the relevant parish, upon receipt of the consent of the applicant nominated. Nominations nominated by employees for nomination “annual employer”.
The evaluation of candidates of the competition shall be performed by an evaluation commission established and approved by the Rēzekne District Council, consisting of 6 persons – one representative of the Standing Committee on Economic Development Matters of Rezekne, one representative of the municipality of Rezekne, one Member of the municipality of Rezekne, two head of the parish administration, one specialists of the development planning department. The Commission shall be chaired by the President of the Commission, who shall be selected at the first meeting of the Commission. The Commission shall determine one or more winners in each nomination in accordance with the criteria laid down by the rules. In order to determine the winners of the competition, the Commission may invite tenderers to attend their economic activities.
Tenderers may be invited from 15 December 2022 to 15 January 2023. Complete Application Questionnaire (1) It is possible to submit:
- by placing the Rezekne municipality in a local government mailbox (in the Alleys of Liberation 95 A, Rezekne) or in any parish district of Rezekne municipality
- by post with indication: “competition“ Rēzeknes municipality ””, address: Rēzekne District Municipality, Liberation Alliance 95 A, Rezekne, LV-4601
- send to e-mail:, labeled “Contest“ Rēzekne District Company ””
The form of the tender application form is available both in the paper format of the municipality of Rezekne and in the county administrations and electronically on the website.
Nominations shall be publicly announced for the first time only in the solemn event “Day of the Rēzekne District Operators”, on 19 March.
Contact person: Business Development Officer of the Rēzekne District Development Planning Division
Liana speaker: t. 25740422, e-mail: