Announcement of bidders for the competition “Rezekne Municipality 2018”

In order to honor the best entrepreneurs of Rezekne, who contribute to the development of the business environment, employment, attractiveness of the territory and public activity, the municipality of Rēzekne is organised by the municipality of Rēzekne in the Seventh year.
Applicants may apply for competition from 11 September to 11 October 2018, submitting a completed application questionnaire to the Registrar of the municipality of Rezekne (Cabinet 17, release alley in 95 A, Rezekne) or in any district of the municipality of Rezekne. Applications may also be sent by post with an indication: “competition“ Rezekne Municipality ””, address: Rēzekne District Municipality, Liberation Alliance 95 A, Rēzekne, LV-4601 or send to e-mail:, with the indication “competition“ Rēzeknes municipality ”” and signature of the application form with a secure electronic signature. The tender application form shall be available both in the paper format of the municipality of Rezekne and in the county administrations and in electronic form. HERE.
On September 6, 2018, a new by-laws of Rezekne Municipality “Rezekne Municipality”, which contains several changes, is approved in the municipality of Rezekne. Consequently, the invitation to tender approved on 6 June 2013 expired.
The aim of the competition is to clarify and honor the entrepreneurs of Rezekne, who are active in the territory of the municipality, promoting the development of the business environment, attractiveness of production areas, employment, public activity, public and private co-operation, attractiveness of the work environment, ensuring the wider recognition of the economic operators, the promotion of the production/services produced by them.
The notified companies will be assessed in ten nominations:
1. Annual company (industry, services);
2. Annual agricultural company;
3. The tourism service provider of the year;
4. Annual company - “VIP” (product of local identity);
5. Annual artisanal/domestic producer;
6. The introduction of innovative products/services of the year;
7. New company of the year (agriculture/industry/services);
8. Annual mecenate;
9. The family business of the year;
10. Annual employer.
The right to nominate tenderers shall be the council of parish councils, other institutions and residents in co-operation with the management of the relevant parish, having previously received the consent of the nominated tenderer. In the nomination “annual employer”, applicants shall be evaluated according TO THE SRS data.
The evaluation of candidates of the competition shall be performed by the evaluation commission established and approved by the Rēzekne District Council, consisting of six persons – one representative of the permanent committee of economic development issues, one representative of the consultative Council of the entrepreneurs, one Member of the municipality of Rezekne, one parish head of administration, one specialist of the development planning department and one establishment “development of the rural economy in Rezekne District”.
In order to determine the winners of the competition, the Commission shall visit tenderers in the places of performance of their economic activity. The public relations specialist of the local government development planning department of the municipality of Rezekne, who shall prepare publications regarding the registered entrepreneurs and place them on the website of the municipality, shall also participate in the visits to the tenderers submitted to the competition.
The nominations of nominations shall be publicly announced for the first time only during the event “Day of the Rēzeknes Municipality”, on 19 March.
Contact: Daina Butler, mob. +371 26543286, e-mail:
Tender Regulation and Application Questionnaire
Prepared by Anna Ranāne