Izsludināts konkurss uz vakanto Viļānu Mūzikas un mākslas skolas lietveža amatu

Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (tail 40900036645) launches a call for a vacancy for the head of the Vilnius Music and Art School.

The applicant must have a higher or general secondary education, vocational secondary education, supplemented with expertise in the field of document management, good skills at work with information technologies, excellent communication and cooperation skills, creative and independent approaches to work, sense of responsibility and accuracy, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, the ability to work with modern information technologies.

Remuneration OF basic work EUR 530.00.

A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to “Competition to the Rēzekne Municipality Authority“ Board of Vilnius Association ”for the office of the Vilnius Music and Arts School” by the morning of 25 October 2021 12.00 send to email vilanuapvieniba@rezeknesnovads.lv or up to 25 October 2021 12.00 to be placed in the mailbox of the administration of the municipality of Rezekne “Administration of Vilnius Alliance” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius.

Contact: 64628033; 26532699.

The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.

Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.

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