In mid-July, Razna National Park travellers' day will be held for the fifth time



In order to introduce the values of natural and cultural history, as well as the skills of ancient positions, on Saturday, July 10, it is for the fifth time that Razna National Park travellers' day will be held, in which every interested party is invited to go exciting excursions, hiking and acquainting with the offer of local tourism entrepreneurs.

The diversity of natural and cultural history in Razna National Park is one of the cornerstones that characterise the traveller's daily offer. However, people - craftsmen, producers, storytellers, local residents who live and manage in the territory of Razna National Park and are willing to share their achievements - from traditional crafts workshops and agricultural holdings to private collections and museums are also an integral part.

The Nature Protection Board will offer the opportunity to visit Razna National Park Nature Objects – big Liepukalns, Makoņkala, Andrupenes marshes trail, Jaunsteshu stones trail. Local tourism entrepreneurs will be invited to enjoy a variety of services.

On the other hand, the Nature Education Centre “Razna” offers to go into a conference event for families with children “hour in nature with local”, along with the centre manager Regina Indriķis. When you spend an hour in a particular location, you can see the swamp, the pine forest in the surroundings of the lake, as well as the grassland and the boulders in the stone trail. The number of participants is limited, so there is a need for pre-registration by telephone. 29139677.

Along with Inspector Inspector Cynthia's pigeons, visitors will be able to travel around the Adriatic Lake. Administration expert Irene Skrinda will offer a bridge over the river of Naruta (logging until July 7). 25708126), but Krome coln broulist chief Alexander Luban will be in the hiking of the ancient Latvian castle.  

A number of gods have also opened their doors. Kaunatas In the Catholic Church of the Marie Roman Catholic Church of Latvia, the young organist - “Latvian pride” prize winner Kaspars Bačkurs, and Bukmuiža Sv. In the Catholic Church of Ludwig, the priest Rodion Dole would play in the Chapel Chapel of the Ezernieki and White St. Angel. 

With a full-time travel program, you can meet On the website of the dabas aizsardzības Administration. The number of participants is limited, so there is a need for pre-registration. As well as the Razna National Park travellers' day service providers and beneficiaries, the national security measures for the limitation of Covid-19 should be strictly respected. 

The tourist day in Razna National Park is organised by the Nature Protection Board in cooperation with entrepreneurs who operate in the territory of the National Park. The travelers' day tradition in Razna National Park was started in 2017, celebrating the decades of the national park.

Razna National Park was established in 2007 to preserve natural values, as well as the typical Latgale cultural landscape in a wide area of Latgale. Razna National Park is a place to know Latgales – the natural and cultural historical values of the blue lakes, to enjoy the beauty of the landscape, to evaluate the hospitality of Latgalians, to explore the skills and traditions of the post-peoples of the generations.

Diana Selecka,
Nature Protection Administration Latgale Regional Administrations 
Natural Education Work Specialist 

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