Calls for the generation of common ideas and discussion on social entrepreneurship


Business News

On 19 February at 10:00 anyone who wants to create positive changes in the common living room is called upon to generate ideas and discuss social entrepreneurship opportunities in Rezekne municipality. At the same time, it will be a great opportunity to learn more about this relatively new form of business, its impact, opportunities in Latvia and joint discussions with representatives of the municipality of Rezekne to highlight opportunities for social entrepreneurship in the municipality. The event is organised by the Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Association (LSUA) in cooperation with the municipality of Rezekne and the representation of British Council in Latvia.
The event calls for everyone who wants to improve the quality of life at regional and national level through their ideas and work - representatives of companies and non-governmental organisations, teachers, students, new entrepreneurs, public authorities, or simply enthusiasm full think generators. THE director of THE LSUA, Madara Ulande, stresses that social entrepreneurship is an area where there are very many opportunities, and everyone can be involved: “social entrepreneurship means producing goods or providing services with the aim of dealing with a social problem or giving benefits to society rather than maximising profits for business owners. Social entrepreneurship forms, formats, goods, services can be very diverse, social enterprises can be both large and small, both internationally and locally, but they are all accompanied by a desire to create high social added value through business methods. '
The discussion will take place at 13:00 In the municipality of Rezekne, the liberation alley 95A, in the large hall. In order to participate in the event, an electronic application form must be completed by 17 February on THE LSUA website, under “News”, and on the Social Facebook page,, “Actions”.
After discussions with every social entrepreneurship, LSUA offers individual free advice to help formulate and find the most successful practical and legal solutions for their social business idea. Duration of consultations 30 min, number of seats limited. To apply for advice, you must mark it in the login questionnaire.
Other information: League Ivanova,, 26464686

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