Kaunatas parish administration implemented two fish fund projects

On April 4, 2018, a contract was concluded between THE ADMINISTRATION of Kaunatas parish and SIA “ore fish farm” for the supply of leased juveniles to the project “Supplement of the fish stocks of the Lake Virauda Lake” and the project “Propagation of fish resources in Iberpoles and Partava lakes” 19.06.2018. SIA “ore fish farm” delivered 12000 single-summer pickup juveniles to the Viraudas Lake and 12045 pickup cubs for the Parks and Idzepoles lakes. The entrance was comprised of unit Mākoņkalna parish administration representatives, Kaunatas parish administration, VVD Rēzekne RVP control unit inspector, VVD North Latgale State Administration Veterinary Inspector, fish farm representative. The project was funded - Fish Fund - 85%. Kaunatas park administration 5% and Razna National Park Society participated in the project with CO-financing OF 10%. Complementing fish resources with pivotal juveniles will contribute to the long-term exploitation of Viraudas, Partava, Iberpoles lakes and the conservation of fish resources, particularly important for the local lake population, whose fish resources-fishing activities and the attraction of lake visitors using the services provided by local populations, entrepreneurs, are a significant source of livelihoods.
Project coordinator Maria Rukmane