All planned number of juvenile juveniles in Luban Lake

PUBLISHED 22.10.2020

On 22 October, the municipality of Rēzekne Municipality of the National Fish Fund Project No 20-00-S0ZF02-000005 in the presence of Lubana Lake fish stocks in the presence of the Commission, in the presence of the Commission, included the amount of juvenile juveniles that were not delivered on 1 October. Now in Luban Lake, the entire amount of zandarit juveniles intended for the project has been placed.
The supply and release of zandars juveniles in the water body was ensured by the farm farm of the Liepāja District Durbes, with which the local government had entered into a contract for a total amount of 13 612.50 EURO as a result of the procurement procedure. In total, 45 000 zandars were placed in Luban, less than 39 000 in the first and slightly above 6 000 in the second time.
Thank everyone who helped and participated in the increase in fish stocks in Luban Lake!
Project Manager Inga Zapane

Within the framework of the National Fish Fund Project No. 20-00-S0ZF02-000006, the municipality of Rēzekne, on 15 October of that year, carried out the introduction of zandars juveniles into the Razna Lake in Chornajas parish Tilies. The project funding for the fish resources of the Lake Razna Lake is EUR 34 969.00, including the financing of the National Fish Fund of 10 000 EURO, the financing of the municipal environmental protection fund of Rezekne, EUR 24 769.00 and the funding of the Razna National Park Society in the amount of 200,00 EUROS.
The supply and release of zandars juveniles was provided by SIA “Rezekne Builder” as an authorised representative of the Estonian fish farm “Kalatalu Härjanurmes” in Latvia. 87 933 zandars were placed in the lake with an average weight of 2.5 grams and an average of 5-7 cm.
Representatives from the State Environmental Service, the Food and Veterinary Service, the Nature Protection Administration, the Razna National Park Society, the association “Razna lake – human and natural” and the municipalities also participated in the process of launching the juvenile juveniles.
Lake Razna is a public lake with high catch intensity, so the municipality is concerned with the restoration of fish resources in the lake through the implementation of the National Fish Fund project. This year, with financial support from the National Fish Fund, fish resources were also added to Luban Lake at the beginning of October.
The implementation of the project contributes to the long-term exploitation of Razna Lake fish, which is particularly important for the local population of the lake, where fishing is a significant source of livelihoods. Razna Lake as “Latgale Sea” is also the largest tourism natural resource of Rezekne, whose conservation of fish resources is an important precondition for tourism development in the area of Razna Lake.
Project manager in the municipality of Rezekne:
Brigita Arbidane,