Juvenile juveniles in Lubana

By implementing the National Fish Fund Project No. 20-00-S0ZF02-000005 “Supplement of Lake Luban Lake Fish Stocks”, the municipality of Rēzekne took on 1 October the introduction of zandarta juveniles into Luban Lake Rēzekne municipality IN Gaigalavas parish opposite the water centre “BEACON”. The purpose of the project is to supplement the fish resources of Luban Lake.
The supply and release of zandars juveniles in the water body was ensured by the farm farm of the Liepāja District Durbes, with which the local government had entered into a contract for a total amount of 13 612.50 EURO as a result of the procurement procedure. From 45 000 planned soldiers, in fact, the lake was less than 39 000, the missing quantity must be delivered and placed in the lake in the near future.
The lakes were placed in the lake with an average weight of 4.9 grams per piece and an average of 6 cm.
A representative from the municipality of Madona Municipality, Dagnis Vasilevskis, representative of the Food Veterinary Service, Vija Sprukste, representatives of the State Environmental Service Guntars kupris and Ivars Ruijan, Senior Environmental Protection Officer of the municipality of Rezekne, Clinta Berzins, took part in the process of launching the juvenile juveniles. The technical support was provided by Valentina Puste and local fishermen of THE Rēzekne municipality, Dricānu parish association, Valentina Puste and local fishermen. Other stakeholders were also watching the process.
Luban is a public lake with high catch intensity, which obliges the local government to take care of the restoration of fish resources in the lake, and therefore through the financial support offered by the National Fish Fund, the municipality regularly provides the addition of water bodies in its territory with fish resources. This year, with financial support from the National Fish Fund, fish resources will be added to the Razna Lake.
It should be noted that the implementation of this project will ensure the conservation of fish resources in the lake in the long term, contributing to the future exploitation of fish in the future, which is particularly important for the fishermen of the lake, the local population, which is a significant source of livelihoods, will have a positive impact on both fishing and fishing, recreational and tourism areas in the surrounding area - the municipality of Rēzekne, Gaigalavas, Nagļu and Madona municipality in the parish of Ošupes and Barkava.
Inga Zapane,
Project Manager