Lūznavas Manor calls for a free-night concert of Eveta Apkalna.



At the beginning of July, July 3, Rēzekne Municipality, Lūznavas manor, calls for the first free night concert “white night music” in which the eagle music in the world's familiar and brilliant interpretation of the Eveta Apkalna. The concert will also be the opening event of the new nature stage of the manor park.

Ideja par brīvdabas koncertu Lūznavas muižas parkā radusies pērn, kad pasaulē pazīstamā ērģelniece Iveta Apkalna, kuras dzimtā pilsēta ir Rēzekne, viesojās Lūznavas muižā. Šogad, pateicoties parka infrastruktūras uzlabošanai un dabas skatuves izveidošanai vienā no muižas parka dīķiem, šī iecere īstenosies kā līdz šim nebijis notikums – ērģeļmūzika savīsies ar parka dabas skanējumu. Apkalna, raksturojot koncerta noskaņu, saka: “Es to visu redzu un dzirdu baltā krāsā. Arī skaņdarbu nosaukumos pavīd baltā krāsa, kas, starp citu, ir mana mīļākā krāsa: “Baltā ainava”, “Weißbärtig.Mond” (Baltbārdis.mēness), tāpat skaņdarbs “Mūžīgās katedrāles parādīšanās”, kur es katedrāli noteikti redzu baltu, līdzīgu Parīzes Dievmātes katedrālei vai mūsu Aglonas bazilikai. Tāpat programmā bieži atskan do mažors, kuru es arī “dzirdu” baltā krāsā, jo do mažorā ir tikai baltie taustiņi.”  Koncertprogrammā Lūznavā “Baltā nakts mūzika” skanēs Raimonda Paula, Johana Sebastiāna Baha, Olivjē Mesiāna, Filipa Glāsa, Pētera Vaska un citu komponistu skaņdarbi.

Iveta Apkalna is considered one of the world's leading soldiers. There is perfect virtuosity and a perfect sense of style in her game. Apkalna is an organ of the Hamburg Elbe Philharmonic, receiving widespread international recognition, obtaining prizes and victories in several international contests, as well as being a laureate of several “Latvian big music prizes”. In Riga, Rēzekne, Latgale Embassy GORE has been taking place for several years at the International Emergelic Festival “organisms”, whose stimulator and artistic manager are Iveta. The organ concerts are translated and tuned to radio stations in Europe, America and Asia, her Disography currently includes 16 albums IN CD and DVD format, the artist is an enthusiastic interprete of modern music and is regularly invited to pre-mature the new works of modern composers around the world. In recent years, Iveta Apkalna is regularly invited to be an artistic advisor in the process of new orchards, as well as to celebrate and celebrate these newly built instruments with their own game. In the meantime, the artist's free-natural sunrise concerts in Jurmala have gained widespread recognition, but this summer Iveta will also be allowed to play the evening vacation in Lūznavas Manor Park.

Lūznavas Manor, who won the Latvian public media annual award for “Culture” award at the beginning of that year, continues to seek new ways to exploit the possibilities of the broad park, how to surprise visitors and also enjoy local residents. At the end of the previous year, the manor managed to improve the infrastructure of the Manor Park ponds with new courtesy and platforms accessible to visitors as recreational and picnic places, while the largest platform would become the natural stage of the manor park, to which the concerts of different styles and noises – Iveta Apkalna solo concert would be the first of them. But the forms of new open-air events make it possible to adapt more successfully and to offer cultural developments in the context of epidemiological security constraints.

The concert AT Lūznavas at Manor Park will be held on July 3. 21.00. The concert tickets are bought in the “ticket paradise” trading system on the Internet and in cash, ticket price 7.00 euros. Visitors are asked to follow the conditions of the current event epidemiological security situation: the concert will be able to participate in the event guidelines developed by the Ministry of Culture: have been vaccinated against Covid-19, have been affected by Covid-19 during the last half of the year, have performed the Covid-19 test during the last 48 hours and have a negative result, have performed the Covid-19 rapid antigen test in the last 6 hours and have a negative result, children under 12 years of age, without carrying out the test. The attestation of compliance with any of the criteria will have to be presented at the entrance. Concert tickets must be purchased by all visitors regardless of age.

The events of the concert “white night music” IN Lūznavas estate are supported by the municipality of Rezekne and the State Culture Capital Foundation. More information about Lūznavas Manor: http://luznavasmuiza.lv.

Inga Girgule,
Head of the Luznava Manor Culture Project

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