The Forest Headers incur spring storms Kaunatā



As the days become longer, there is a feeling that you're going to get out now, the snowsights, and that's what you want to hear Cruel's trell. On 28 February, IN place of the fighting trails, Kaunatas high school pupils heard the turnips, the rumble, the drumming and the ribbling – there was a bunch of chickens in the clouds, chewing hats, a drastic drama talk.
Ligita Jokste, the leader of the “sail” of the youth centre, was at the forefront of all the warriors, who then also pressed the various masks, hiding the people themselves. When it was reminded of all the Meteņi they were doing and why, the musical performance was prepared by the music teacher, Maruta Chudare, with classes 1-4, singing and inviting the others to sing with the Meteens' songs. Warm-up Meters were now easy to involve in general toys and activities, as the joy and joy are sticky.
When they were all dancing with the chickens under the direction of the teacher Alla Silova, time was to go to the prepared fire and burn their lists of non-works that had already been prepared by the classes before. Then, with a clean conscience, everyone went to the school patch of Postejeva's cooked yeast pancakes, which tasted a miracle in fresh air. A variety of jams from the school children's winter stocks could be tasted at the pancakes: both the blackberries and the strawberries, the cherry and the plums, etc.
The school's council had also prepared sporting activities: although the snow was not so much so that it could ride the ragava from the hill, the snow was just in time. So the teams had to hit the target with picks and collect as many points as possible. The music, co-ordinated by Inguss Sutin, was also encouraging supporters and participants.
 Inara Paramonova
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