Closed literary and visual work contest “mystery myriad.”

At the time of the event, Latgale Congress's days online at the event, on 27 April, Maltas children's and youth centre's contest for literary and visual works was announced, “a myriad of the prizes of prizes and several sympathy prizes. 30 literary works were submitted to the competition (18 children and young people, and 12 in adults) and 117 visual works in which children were invited to illustrate Latvian and Latgalian people.

Thanks_to Maltas parish head of administration Vitaly Skudr, who first supported the idea of organising this competition. Thank the daughter of Literature Veronica Tench-Goldman for Ināra Pitch and the daughter of the artist Jura gaigala, Dacei Gaigalai, on interest and special prizes. Thank YOU FOR Maltas BJC for the head of Via Danilov and Methodic Inta Bulei for support and co-operation. Similarly, “Latgolys symtgadis Kongresa Sarik” (Sareikuojuma reiceibys izpiļdis Committee), who included this competition in Latgale Congress Day celebration programme. Special thanks to the main prize winners – Long Shuplinsk and Agrim Bitan, as well as thank you: Ineta Atpilei-Youganei, Holy Ushmouse, Martha Bindukai, Erikam Zepam and the group “rikis”, Guntim Rasim and the group “Free VAT”, Aigar Runch, and the group “Borowa MC”, NKMC “river” (Andris Slišānam), RTA, RCB, VLA, LKCI.

Visual works were submitted: from Maltas BJC and Maltas secondary schools, Maltas secondary school unit castle primary schools, Riebinu High Schools, Forestry Schools, Salnava primary school, Rezekne primary school, School music and art schools, Ludza Music Schools, Preille 2 nd Secondary School, Rugar District High School, Tilja High School and Riga Ukrainian Secondary School. In contrast, literary: from Maltas, Viļānu, Karsava, Riebins, Rudzates High Schools, Preil 2 nd Secondary School, Ludza City Gymnasia, Creator Basic School and Rezekne High School of Music. In the adult group from: Maltas, Rezekne, Viļāniem, Squilbert, Riebes, Karsava, Varakalans municipality, Viesīte and Riebinu municipality, and even from Riga.

Jury of literary works: Long Shuplinska, Angelika Jusko-Schtekele (RTA Study and Sciences Prorector), Maruta Latkovska (journalist), March Binduka (Director of the Roberta monk museum), Ruth Suseum (Director of the Central Library of Rezekne). The competition was co-ordinated BY Maltas BJC journalist Skaidrite Svikša.

In the field of visual works, 117 works were submitted in 4 groups. The jury was composed of: Inese Dundure (head of the art department of the jury, Latgale cultural history museum); vēsma Ušpele (artist); Jana Indrichāne (artist, graphic designer); Maltas museum of history museum); Inga Smugzmane-Michule (artist, restorer, museum of the Roberta monk); Tatjana Visnakov (artist, restorer). The competition was co-ordinated BY Maltas BJC Methodic Inta Bule.

The jury of the main prize winners did not say, and in the event he was named by Agris Bitans himself: the computer would receive the literary work author Maruta Avramchenko (Viļāni), the tablet was intended for visual work only, but as a result, MR Bitan emphasized that “it was a great pleasure to see so many nice works”, and the tablet computers were received by two participants, Milla Kathy Seņkova (Maltas vsee) and Aldis Veigulis (dravnieku pmsk).

The names of all winners of the competition are published on the website Prizes will be delivered/delivered by the end of this school year individually or to schools in agreement with teachers/consultants. The best literary works in the near future will be read on the website Visual works to be viewed where anyone can vote for his sympathy and a member will win another award. Maltas BJC plans to create a competition for the exhibition and invite all winners to attend the village as soon as the epidemiological situation so permits.

In the online event, the musical atmosphere was created by Laura Svikša and Nika Tihomirova, a member of the group, who sang “no VAT” song “angels” in their arangiy. Symbolically, because it reports a change of generations, that someone should always continue to do something else. These are all of us, only from our will and the susceptibility of the 104-year-old Latgale Congress ideas. Is Latgale great proud of what is now seen from above? A rhetoric question addressed to each of us who lives in Latgale currently … “time vysu will be broken down”, but we must each fill this time with what we do best. Not only is the celebration of Latgale a celebration of honour, but much more should be given to “our angels whistling” … let us speak, read, write – LIVE in latgalically. Only we, the people living in Latgale, are the only ones in the world.


Skaidrite Swicksha  


In images: The jury assesses the submitted works
Screenshot from the results notification online event
First works acquired by the site
Online event musical greeting from the group “Untitled

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